A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Biennial Evaluation Report

Fiscal Years 1993-1994

Table of Contents

Title Page



Index to Programs

  1. Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

  2. Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs

  3. Office of Special Education and Rehibilitative Services

  4. Office of Vocational and Adult Education

  5. Office of Postsecondary Education

  6. Office of Educational Research and Improvement

Appendix--Evaluation Contracts Active in OUS During Fiscal Year 1993

For the user's convenience we have also created an ASCII version of this document and compressed it (714K) for ease of downloading. (Note: Because of extensive use of tables in the document, much of the fiscal data may be impossible to read in this ASCII version which does not translate tables well.)

Biennial Evaluation Report 1995-96

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