Aviation Security: FAA Can Help Ensure That Airports' Access Control
Systems Are Cost-Effective (Letter Report, 03/01/95, GAO/RCED-95-25).

Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO provided information on the
Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) access control systems, focusing
on the: (1) cost of FAA access control systems; and (2) actions FAA
could take to ensure that access control systems are cost-effective in
the future.

GAO found that: (1) FAA greatly underestimated the costs of its access
control systems, due to the installation of more expensive equipment;
(2) in many airports, FAA approved the installation of equipment in
areas that did not need to be secured; (3) 21 major airports had to
replace or significantly modify access control systems that did not meet
FAA requirements; (4) FAA officials have been unable to ensure that
Airport Improvement funds have been used only for those system
components necessary to meet FAA access control requirements; and (5)
FAA could help ensure that access control systems are cost-effective by
providing detailed guidance on how systems should function to meet
access control requirements.

--------------------------- Indexing Terms -----------------------------

     TITLE:  Aviation Security: FAA Can Help Ensure That Airports' 
             Access Control Systems Are Cost-Effective
      DATE:  03/01/95
   SUBJECT:  Airports
             Commercial aviation
             Airline industry
             Transportation safety
             Air transportation operations
             Aircraft accidents
             Cost effectiveness analysis
             Facility security
             Systems evaluation
IDENTIFIER:  FAA Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
             FAA Airport Improvement Program
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================================================================ COVER

Report to the Subcommittee on Transportation and Related Agencies,
Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives

March 1995



Aviation Security

=============================================================== ABBREV

  AIP - Airport Improvement Program
  C.F.R.  - Code of Federal Regulations
  FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
  GAO - General Accounting Office

=============================================================== LETTER


March 1, 1995

The Honorable Frank R.  Wolf
The Honorable Ronald D.  Coleman
Ranking Minority Member
Subcommittee on Transportation
 and Related Agencies
Committee on Appropriations
House of Representatives

On December 7, 1987, 43 people died when Pacific Southwest Airlines
Flight 1771 crashed after a disgruntled former employee shot the
pilots.  This tragedy heightened the Federal Aviation
Administration's (FAA) concern about the effectiveness of airport
security because the former employee had, among other things,
apparently used airline identification to bypass screening.  In
January 1989, as part of an effort to improve its overall strategy
for preventing violent acts against airlines, FAA required that the
nation's major airports install systems for controlling access to
high-security areas where large passenger aircraft are located. 
These systems are eligible for funding under FAA's Airport
Improvement Program (AIP).\1

Your Subcommittee expressed concern about FAA's strategy because
airports and airlines have complained that FAA greatly underestimated
the costs of access control systems.  Therefore, you requested that
we (1) determine how much access control systems have and will cost
and (2) identify what actions FAA could take to help ensure that
systems are cost-effective in the future. 

\1 The AIP provides funds to help eligible airport sponsors plan and
develop airport infrastructure.  The airport sponsor is the public
agency or private entity that owns or operates the airport. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :1

The variety of systems--mostly computer-controlled--installed at
airports to meet FAA's access control requirements cost far more than
FAA anticipated.  These systems include such equipment as
closed-circuit television cameras and employee identification card
readers on doors leading into secured areas.  Updated data provided
by FAA show that from 1989 through 1998, the actual and projected
costs for systems at the 258 airports subject to FAA's requirements
will total about $654 million in 1993 constant dollars--over three
times FAA's initial estimate for that period.  This amount includes
$327 million in Airport Improvement Program funds, or 50 percent of
total costs.  Furthermore, on the basis of updated data, FAA projects
that systems will cost an additional $219 million in 1999 through
2003, half of which would be federally funded.  FAA officials stated
that the agency's initial cost estimate was low primarily because
more access points were secured and more expensive equipment was
installed than the agency anticipated in its analysis. 

Although most airports have completed the installation of access
control systems, they will need to modernize these systems as
equipment wears out, additional equipment is needed, or equipment or
software no longer has the capacity to meet security-related demands. 
FAA can help ensure that system modernization is cost-effective by
(1) providing detailed guidance explaining where equipment should be
located and (2) working with the industry to develop and implement
standards that provide technical criteria explaining how systems
should function to meet access control requirements.  Absent detailed
guidance, many airports, with FAA's approval, installed equipment at
locations that the agency later determined did not need to be secured
to meet its requirements.  Also, with no standards for designing
systems, airports had less assurance that systems would adequately
function to meet FAA's requirements.  An industry survey found that
21 major airports had to replace or significantly modify systems that
did not operate adequately to meet those requirements.  Additionally,
without guidance and standards to serve as criteria for evaluating
systems, it is difficult for FAA officials to ensure that Airport
Improvement Program funds are used only for those system components
necessary to meet FAA's access control requirements, as the agency's
Airport Improvement Program funding policy directs. 

FAA and the industry have several initiatives under way that provide
opportunities to help ensure that systems are cost-effective.  These
initiatives include FAA's reviewing access control requirements and
working with the industry to develop standards.  We offer
recommendations to assist these efforts. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :2

To help provide a safe operating environment for airlines, the Code
of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) title 14, part 107 requires that U.S. 
airports control access to secured areas.\2 Such controls are
intended to ensure that only authorized persons have access to
aircraft, the airfield, and certain airport facilities.  Other
security measures include requiring that airport and airline
employees display identification badges and that airlines screen
persons and carry-on baggage for weapons and explosives. 

In January 1989, FAA made 14 C.F.R.  part 107 more stringent by
mandating that access controls to the secured areas of certain
airports meet four broad requirements.  Under the amendment--14
C.F.R.  107.14--access control systems must (1) ensure that only
authorized persons gain access to secured areas, (2) immediately deny
access to persons whose authorization is revoked, (3) differentiate
between persons with unlimited access to the secured area and persons
with only partial access, and (4) be capable of limiting access by
time and date.  According to FAA, these requirements are intended to
prevent individuals, such as former airline employees, from using
forged, stolen, or noncurrent identification or their familiarity
with airport procedures to gain unauthorized access to secured areas. 

All U.S.  airports where airlines provide scheduled passenger service
using aircraft with more than 60 seats must meet the requirements of
14 C.F.R.  107.14.\3 Beginning in August 1989, each of these airports
had to develop an access control system plan for FAA field security
officials to review and approve.  Following approval, FAA gives
airports up to 2-1/2 years to comply with the regulation, depending
on the number of persons screened annually or as designated by FAA on
the basis of its security assessment.  FAA expects airports to
maintain and modernize their systems to keep them in regulatory
compliance.  As of August 1994, 258 airports were subject to FAA's
access control requirements.  Appendix I lists these airports. 

Access control systems are eligible for AIP funds.  FAA administers
the AIP and provides funds for airport planning and development
projects, including those enhancing capacity, safety, and security. 
FAA's AIP Handbook (Order 5100.38A) provides policies, procedures,
and guidance for making project funding decisions.  According to the
handbook's section on safety, security, and support equipment
(section 7), only those system components and facilities necessary to
meet the requirements of 14 C.F.R.  107.14 are eligible for AIP
funds.  The airports themselves must fund any additional equipment or
software capability that exceeds these requirements.  FAA airport
programming officials approve AIP funding requests. 

\2 Airports' secured areas are primarily the areas where large
passenger aircraft are located. 

\3 In some cases, airlines assume responsibility for meeting the
requirements in the operational areas they lease from airports, such
as terminal gates, under an exclusive use area agreement. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :3

Airports have installed various systems--mostly
computer-controlled--to meet FAA's four access control requirements. 
With FAA's approval, airports have taken the following approaches: 

Airports have placed the equipment for their access control systems
in different locations.  For example, some airports screen persons at
checkpoints, while other airports have installed controls on doors
beyond such checkpoints.  Also, some airports have installed controls
on both sides of doors leading into and out of secured areas.\4

Airports have installed different types of equipment.  For example,
to secure doors and gates, several airports use magnetic stripe card
readers while others use proximity card readers.\5 One airport
installed a reader that scans an individual's hand to determine the
person's identity.  Also, we visited one airport that has an
"electronic fence" to segregate the commercial and general aviation
operations areas;\6

another has a guard gate and magnetic stripe card reader to separate
passenger and cargo operations areas.  Additionally, some airports
have mounted closed-circuit television cameras at doors and gates,
while other airports have chosen not to install such technology. 

According to FAA's data, most of the 258 regulated airports have now
completed installing their systems, but they will need to modernize
these systems in the future.\7

Modernization is necessary when equipment wears out, additional
equipment is needed, or equipment or software no longer has the
capacity to meet security-related demands.  For example, in September
1994, FAA provided one airport that had an approved system with over
$3 million in AIP funding to purchase closed-circuit television
cameras, help construct a communications center, and make other
system modifications to meet additional security needs. 

The costs for access control systems are over three times greater
than FAA expected.  FAA initially estimated that the costs to
install, operate, maintain, and modernize systems at all regulated
airports would total $211 million\8

from 1989 through 1998.\9 However, updated data provided by FAA show
that actual and projected costs for the same period totaled about
$654 million.  This amount includes $327 million in AIP funds, or 50
percent of total costs over the 10-year period.  As of August 1994,
177 (69 percent) of the 258 regulated airports received AIP funding
to help pay for their access control systems.  Furthermore, on the
basis of the updated information, FAA projects that costs for systems
in 1999 through 2003 will total an additional $219 million, half of
which would be federally funded.  Appendix II shows actual and
projected access control costs in 1989 through 2003, including AIP

According to FAA officials,\10 FAA's initial cost projection was low
primarily because more access points were secured and more
sophisticated and expensive equipment was installed than the agency's
analysis considered.  For example, FAA's analysis assumed that the
largest airports would secure 128 access points on average.  However,
we found that these airports had initially secured about 390 points
on average.  Appendix III compares FAA's initial cost figures with
the agency's updated actual and projected costs of access control

\4 As of April 1993, FAA's policy states that access controls are not
needed on doors leading from the secured area to meet the
requirements of 14 C.F.R.  107.14. 

\5 With a magnetic stripe card reader, the employee "swipes" the card
through the reader to open the controlled door or gate.  With a
proximity card reader, the employee holds the card within a few feet
of the reader to gain access. 

\6 An electronic fence is an invisible barrier that uses sensors to
detect movement and trigger an alarm to alert security personnel. 

\7 On the basis of information provided by airports, a system's
average lifecycle, or time until it must be replaced or significantly
modified, is about 6-1/2 years.  In contrast, security experts
estimate that the average system's lifecycle is about 5 years. 

\8 All figures in this report are adjusted to constant 1993 dollar
values.  In January 1989, FAA reported its initial estimate as about
$170 million in constant 1987 dollars. 

\9 FAA separated its initial $211 million estimate into one-time
installation costs and recurring annual costs to operate, maintain,
and modernize systems.  One-time installation costs included system
planning, engineering site survey and design, initial procurement of
computers and associated equipment, card readers, access cards, and
employee training.  Recurring costs included access card replacement,
computer maintenance, software update and support, additional labor,
and card reader maintenance every fourth year. 

\10 These officials include the Manager of and Economists with the
Regulation and Organizational Analysis Division, Office of Aviation
Policy, Plans, and Management Analysis. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :4

Over the next several years, many access control systems will need to
be modernized.  FAA can help ensure that modernization is implemented
in a cost-effective manner by providing detailed guidance and
facilitating the development of standards explaining how to meet the
requirements of 14 C.F.R.  107.14.\11 Without detailed guidance, many
airports initially spent funds to secure access points that FAA later
determined did not need to be secured to meet the agency's
requirements.  Also, without standards to guide the design of
systems, some airports purchased systems that did not meet FAA's
requirements.  Additionally, without guidance and standards to serve
as criteria, it was difficult for FAA to ensure that AIP funds were
used only for the system components needed to meet the agency's
access control requirements as directed by its AIP funding policy. 
FAA and the industry have several initiatives under way that could
address these deficiencies and help ensure that systems are

\11 Standards provide technical criteria explaining how equipment and
software should function to meet requirements.  Standards can also
explain how to design, install, and test systems so that they will
operate as intended. 

---------------------------------------------------------- Letter :4.1

FAA has not developed detailed guidance and standards to explain how
systems could meet its four access control requirements in a
cost-effective manner.  Detailed guidance could help airports
determine where equipment should be located.  Standards could explain
what functions equipment and software should perform and how quickly
and reliably these functions should be done.  For example, one of
FAA's four access control requirements is that systems grant
secured-area access only to authorized persons.  Detailed guidance
for computer-controlled access control systems could include the

Additional equipment beyond a card reader, such as lights that flash
when the door is not secured, should be used only if the access point
is in a low-traffic area. 

Closed-circuit television cameras should be used only at access
points where an analysis shows that it is less expensive to have the
camera than to have security personnel respond to an alarm. 

Standards for computer-controlled access control systems could

the period of time that a secured door or gate can remain open before
security personnel are notified,

the period of time that can elapse before a terminated employee's
access code is invalidated,

the percentage of time that the system is expected to be operable,

the frequency at which the system can misread a card. 

Although developing guidance and standards for access control systems
is a complex undertaking, FAA has provided airports and airlines with
guidance and standards explaining how to meet other agency
requirements that are similarly complex.  For example, FAA has
planning and design guidance explaining how terminals can be
configured to accommodate the expected flow of passengers.  The
guidance recognizes that each airport has its own combination of
individual characteristics that must be considered.  FAA's standards
for equipment include those to design, construct, and test lift
devices for mobility-impaired airline passengers and vehicles for
aircraft rescue and fire fighting.  Such standards do not specify
what equipment airports should use, but rather how a vendor's
equipment should perform to meet FAA's requirements.  For software,
FAA has developed standards for the software used in the Traffic
Alert and Collision Avoidance System that it requires on most
commercial passenger aircraft. 

FAA requires that airports use its guidance and standards in order to
receive AIP funds.  In some cases, FAA certifies that equipment and
software from certain manufacturers meet its standards, as it has
done for the equipment used to screen persons and the Traffic Alert
and Collision Avoidance System.  However, similar standards and
certifications do not exist for access control systems. 

When FAA issued 14 C.F.R.  107.14 in January 1989, the agency did not
conduct tests that could have provided the necessary knowledge to
establish detailed guidance and standards for computer-controlled
systems.  Although airports and airlines suggested that FAA conduct
tests at selected airports, the agency determined that nationwide
implementation of the new requirements should proceed immediately. 
According to FAA officials,\12 the Office of the Secretary of
Transportation attached a very high priority to implementing improved
airport access controls.  As a result, FAA decided not to delay
implementing the new access control requirements by testing and
evaluating systems. 

\12 These officials include the Director of Civil Aviation Security
Policy and Planning and the Director of Civil Aviation Security

---------------------------------------------------------- Letter :4.2

According to security experts and airport and airline
representatives,\13 detailed guidance and standards would help
airports know which systems satisfy FAA's access control requirements
in a cost-effective manner.  Without detailed guidance and standards,
it is difficult to determine if the many different systems installed
at a wide range of costs are cost-effective.  A November 1993 survey
by the Airports Council International-North America of 63 airports
(24 percent of all regulated airports) found that virtually no two
have systems using the same equipment and software.\14 Also, a
November 1993 survey by the Airport Consultants Council of 14
airports found that the installation cost per secured access control
point ranged from $6,250 to almost $55,000; the average cost was over

Without detailed guidance, many airports installed access controls
that FAA had approved but later had determined were not needed to
meet its requirements.  In April 1992, citing concerns about
escalating costs, FAA clarified how airports could configure systems. 
FAA allowed airports that had installed systems to reduce the number
of controlled access points if the reduction did not compromise
security.  According to FAA data, over 120 airports have reduced
their number of controlled access points.  For example, one airport
reduced its total number of controlled access points by 26 percent
(106 points) while still meeting FAA's requirements.  Another airport
now meets FAA's requirements with screening checkpoints at concourse
entrances, although its initial system included both the checkpoints
and card readers installed on both sides of 114 doors located beyond
the checkpoints.  FAA's Director of Civil Aviation Security Policy
and Planning acknowledges that the agency must take a more proactive
approach to ensure that airports meet access control requirements in
a cost-effective manner by reducing the number of controlled access
points where feasible without decreasing security. 

Similarly, without standards on which to base system design, airports
have incurred higher costs for systems that are based on proprietary
software and a "closed architecture."\16 Many airports contracted
with firms to install, maintain, and modify their systems using
proprietary software and a closed architecture.  In such cases, only
the vendor providing the system is familiar enough with the system to
effectively maintain or make changes to it.  According to security
experts, the use of proprietary software and a closed architecture
can increase a system's lifecycle costs by as much as 100 percent,
primarily because of higher maintenance and modification costs. 
These experts told us that appropriate standards could have provided
for an access control system design based on an open architecture. 
An open architecture would have allowed different vendors to compete
for system maintenance, thus decreasing costs.  Also, according to
security experts, standards would have reduced total system costs by
allowing for economies of scale and easier incorporation of new

Furthermore, without standards on which to base system design, some
airports purchased systems that did not meet FAA's requirements. 
When FAA issued 14 C.F.R.  107.14, airports looked to firms that had
developed and installed access control systems at locations such as
military facilities, prisons, hospitals, office buildings, and homes. 
According to security experts, in many cases it was difficult to
transfer the security technology and operational knowledge used for
such systems to the airport environment.  The November 1993 survey by
the Airport Consultants Council found that 21 major airports incurred
costs to replace or significantly modify systems that did not operate
adequately to meet FAA's requirements.  For example, one such airport
had to replace its inadequate system, including card readers, at a
cost of over $1.5 million.  According to security experts,
well-defined standards could have guided vendors in developing
systems and provided airports with greater assurance that the systems
would meet FAA's access control requirements.  Also, standards could
have provided a basis for FAA to certify a vendor's system. 

Finally, detailed guidance and standards could have provided criteria
for FAA to use in evaluating airports' AIP funding requests for
access control systems.  Generally, FAA airport programming officials
worked with FAA security officials to determine if AIP funding would
be used only for the system components needed to meet FAA's
requirements as directed by the agency's AIP Handbook.  However, they
both lacked well-defined criteria against which proposed access
control systems could be compared and evaluated.  This problem
continues as airports request AIP funds to help modernize their
systems.  For example, one airport with an approved system requested
$1.2 million in AIP funds to secure additional doors.  An FAA
regional Special Agent for security told us that the lack of criteria
has caused her to be unsure how to determine if this funding request
should be approved. 

\13 The security experts include the Executive Director and Director,
Aviation Services, Counter Technology, Incorporated; the President,
Franklin M.  Sterling and Associates, Incorporated; the
Aviation/Airport Program Manager, International Computers and
Telecommunications, Incorporated; and the Vice President,
International Security Concepts, Incorporated.  The airport and
airline representatives include the Senior Vice President, Technical
and Environmental Affairs, Airports Council International-North
America; the Director, Regulatory Affairs, American Association of
Airport Executives; and the Managing Director, Security, Air
Transport Association of America. 

\14 Airports Council International-North America Technical Committee
Survey on 14 C.F.R.  107.14 Security System Maintenance and
Operations, dated November 29, 1993. 

\15 Airport 14 C.F.R.  107.14 Security System Problems and Issues,
dated November 1993. 

\16 Proprietary software is owned or copyrighted by an individual or
business and available for use only through purchase or permission by
the owner.  A closed architecture system is based on proprietary
specifications that make it difficult or impossible for third parties
to maintain or modify the system.  In contrast, open architecture
refers to computer systems whose hardware and software
characteristics conform to specifications in the public domain and
are not unique to a particular vendor or group of vendors. 

---------------------------------------------------------- Letter :4.3

In January 1994, FAA requested that the public identify up to three
regulations that should be amended or eliminated to reduce undue
regulatory burdens.\17 Both airports and airlines identified 14
C.F.R.  107.14 as one of the most costly and burdensome regulations
imposed on them and stated that FAA should reassess how to control
access in a more cost-effective manner without decreasing security. 
FAA's December 1994 response cites ongoing efforts to revise its
security regulations and work with the industry to set standards for
access control systems.\18

FAA and the industry have three initiatives under way for considering
changes to access control that could help ensure that systems are
cost-effective.  First, FAA is working with the industry to revise
airport and airline regulations, including 14 C.F.R.  107.14. 
Specifically, FAA is reviewing its four access control requirements
to determine how they help meet security needs as part of an overall
security strategy.  FAA plans to issue a Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking on any revisions to its security regulations by mid-1995. 

Second, through the Aviation Security Advisory Committee, FAA is
working with the industry to consider the feasibility of implementing
a system that would allow transient employees, such as pilots and
flight attendants, to use a single card to gain access at all major
airports--a universal access system.\19 Research on and testing of a
universal access system is one method to help develop standards for
access control technology.  The Congress has directed that $2 million
of FAA's fiscal year 1994 appropriation be used for the initial costs
to develop and implement a universal access system.  FAA and the
industry are now working to evaluate how such a system could best be
implemented.\20 Tests involving three major airlines and two
high-security airports are scheduled to begin in March 1995. 

Third, FAA is facilitating an ongoing effort with the industry to
develop standards for systems that would comply with the requirements
of 14 C.F.R.  107.14 and meet the needs of all regulated airports.\21
As of December 1994, this effort includes developing standards for
how equipment and software should function to meet requirements.  FAA
and the industry also plan to (1) incorporate knowledge gained from
testing the universal access system, (2) identify near-term
approaches to make systems easier to maintain and equipment and
software easier to modify, and (3) promote modernizing existing
systems to the new standards.  This effort is scheduled to be
completed by October 1995. 

\17 FAA's January 1994 request was in response to executive branch
recommendations and directives from (1) the National Commission to
Ensure a Strong Competitive Airline Industry, (2) the Vice
President's National Performance Review, and (3) Executive Order No. 
12866, "Regulatory Planning and Review," dated September 30, 1993. 

\18 1994 Presidential Regulatory Review Final Report/Summary and
Disposition of Comments, dated December 1994 and made available to
the public on February 1, 1995. 

\19 FAA and the industry established the Committee to address
security issues.  The Committee includes representatives from
government, airports, airlines, unions, and other interested parties. 

\20 According to FAA, the cost of a universal access system would
depend on (1) whether a central control location is established, (2)
how many airports and airlines agree to participate, and (3) how many
doors are secured at participating airports. 

\21 These standards are being developed through RTCA, Incorporated
Special Committee 183.  RTCA, Incorporated is a federal advisory
committee that works with government and industry representatives to
develop technical standards for aviation. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :5

Airport and airline security is of paramount importance.  To this
end, FAA and the industry plan to spend millions of dollars to
modernize access control systems as part of an overall security
strategy.  At this time, however, FAA cannot ensure that these
modernization efforts will result in the best use of limited federal
and industry funds. 

FAA and the industry have initiatives under way that provide a basis
for helping to ensure that access control systems are cost-effective. 
Specifically, following 5 years of experience with installing and
using systems, both FAA and the industry are in a good position to
complete their current effort to review overall aviation security
needs as they relate to access control requirements and to change the
requirements if necessary.  As a next step, FAA and the industry can
complete their ongoing work to develop and implement standards
explaining how equipment and software should function to meet access
control requirements. 

In addition to ongoing initiatives, FAA can help ensure that systems
are cost-effective by developing and implementing detailed guidelines
explaining where system equipment should be placed.  FAA officials
can use the detailed guidance and standards as criteria to evaluate
AIP funding requests and help ensure that these funds are used only
for the system components needed to meet access control requirements. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :6

To help ensure that systems are cost-effective, we recommend that the
Secretary of Transportation direct the Administrator, FAA, to develop
and implement detailed guidance based on the agency's access control
requirements that explains where system equipment should be located. 
FAA should incorporate these guidelines and the standards being
developed into its review process for Airport Improvement Program
funding requests. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :7

We discussed our findings and recommendations with FAA's Assistant
Administrator for Civil Aviation Security; Director of Civil Aviation
Security Policy and Planning; Director of Civil Aviation Security
Operations; Manager, Programming Branch, Airports Financial
Assistance Division; and other Department of Transportation
officials.  These officials provided us with clarifying information,
and we revised the text as necessary. 

FAA officials were concerned that our statement that systems cost
more than FAA initially had anticipated implies that the systems and
the components used in them should have been less costly.  We
explained that our purpose is to present factual information on the
different systems airports installed and that without detailed
guidance and standards, it is difficult to determine if systems
should have been less costly.  FAA officials also stated their
concern that achieving cost-effective systems means using the least
expensive equipment.  We stated that this is not our position and
that systems may be cost-effective using equipment that is more
expensive in the short term but lasts longer and performs better,
resulting in less cost over time.  FAA officials also expressed
concern that using standards to assist in making AIP funding
decisions would limit the agency's ability to accommodate security
needs at individual airports.  In our view, the standards would
provide a baseline from which to begin evaluating funding requests
and would not prohibit FAA from taking into account the access
control needs of individual airports.  Furthermore, FAA and the
industry plan to develop standards that will accommodate the needs of
all airports subject to access control requirements.  Therefore, we
believe that standards could allow for airport-by-airport decisions
while still providing a tool to help ensure that systems are
cost-effective.  Finally, FAA officials noted that the appropriate
use of access control systems by airport and airline employees is a
critical factor in ensuring that such systems are effective.  We
concur with this position. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :8

We performed our review between October 1993 and January 1995 in
accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. 
All dollar amounts in this report have been adjusted to constant 1993
dollars.  Additional details on our scope and methodology are
contained in appendix IV. 

---------------------------------------------------------- Letter :8.1

As agreed with your offices, unless you publicly announce its
contents earlier, we plan no further distribution of this report
until 10 days after the date of this letter.  At that time, we will
send copies of this report to appropriate congressional committees;
the Secretary of Transportation; the Administrator, FAA; the
Director, Office of Management and Budget; and other interested
parties.  We will make copies available to others on request. 

This report was prepared under the direction of Allen Li, Associate
Director, who may be reached at (202) 512-3600.  Other major
contributors are listed in appendix V. 

Kenneth M.  Mead
Director, Transportation Issues

14 C.F.R.  107.14-REGULATED
=========================================================== Appendix I

------------------------------------------------------- Appendix I:0.1

Anchorage International Airport
Aniak Airport
Barrow/Wiley Post-Will Rogers Memorial Airport
Bethel Airport
Cold Bay Airport
Cordova/Merle K.  Smith Airport
Deadhorse Airport
Dillingham Airport
Fairbanks International Airport
Galena Airport
Juneau International Airport
Ketchikan International Airport
King Salmon Airport
Kodiak Airport
Kotzebue/Ralph Wien Memorial Airport
Nome Airport
Petersburg Airport
Saint Mary's Airport
Sitka Airport
Unalakleet Airport
Unalaska Airport
Wrangell Airport
Yakutat Airport

------------------------------------------------------- Appendix I:0.2

Cedar Rapids Municipal Airport
Des Moines International Airport
Kansas City International Airport
Lambert-Saint Louis International Airport
Lincoln Municipal Airport
Omaha/Eppley Airfield
Sioux City/Sioux Gateway Airport
Springfield Regional Airport
Wichita Mid-Continent Airport

------------------------------------------------------- Appendix I:0.3

Albany County Airport
Allentown/Bethlehem/Easton/Lehigh Valley International Airport
Atlantic City International Airport
Baltimore-Washington International Airport
Binghamton Regional Airport-Edwin A.  Link Field
Charleston/Yeager Airport
Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport
Elmira/Corning Regional Airport
Erie International Airport
Greater Buffalo International Airport
Greater Rochester International Airport
Harrisburg International Airport
Huntington/Tri-State Airport-Milton J.  Ferguson Field
Islip/Long Island MacArthur Airport
Ithaca/Tompkins County Airport
John F.  Kennedy International Airport
La Guardia Airport
Lynchburg Regional Airport-Preston Glenn Field
Newark International Airport
Newburgh/Stewart International Airport
Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport
Norfolk International Airport
Philadelphia International Airport
Pittsburgh International Airport
Richmond International Airport-Byrd Field
Roanoke Regional Airport-Woodrum Field
Syracuse Hancock International Airport
Utica/Oneida County Airport
Washington Dulles International Airport
Washington National Airport
White Plains/Westchester County Airport
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport

------------------------------------------------------- Appendix I:0.4

Akron-Canton Regional Airport
Appleton/Outagamie County Airport
Bismarck Municipal Airport
Champaign/University of Illinois Airport-Willard Field
Chicago Midway Airport
Chicago O'Hare International Airport
Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport
Dayton International Airport
Detroit City Airport
Detroit Metropolitan-Wayne County Airport
Duluth International Airport
Evansville Regional Airport
Fargo/Hector International Airport
Flint/Bishop International Airport
Fort Wayne International Airport
Grand Forks International Airport
Grand Rapids/Kent County International Airport
Greater Peoria Regional Airport
Greater Rockford Airport
Green Bay/Austin-Straubel International Airport
Indianapolis International Airport
Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport
La Crosse Municipal Airport
Lansing/Capital City Airport
Madison/Dane County Regional Airport-Truax Field
Marquette County Airport
Milwaukee/General Mitchell International Airport
Minneapolis/Saint Paul International Airport
Minot International Airport
Moline/Quad City Airport
Mosinee/Central Wisconsin Airport
Oshkosh/Wittman Regional Airport
Port Columbus International Airport
Rapid City Regional Airport
Rochester Municipal Airport
Saginaw/Tri-City International Airport
Sioux Falls/Joe Foss Field
South Bend/Michiana Regional Transportation Center
Springfield/Capital Airport
Toledo Express Airport
Traverse City/Cherry Capital Airport
Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport

------------------------------------------------------- Appendix I:0.5

Bangor International Airport
Boston/General E.  L.  Logan International Airport
Bradley International Airport
Burlington International Airport
Chicopee Airport
Manchester Airport
Portland International Jetport
Providence/Theodore F.  Green State Airport
Tweed-New Haven Airport
Worchester Municipal Airport

------------------------------------------------------- Appendix I:0.6

Aspen-Pitkin County Airport-Sardy Field
Bellingham International Airport
Billings Logan International Airport
Boise Air Terminal-Gowen Field
Bozeman/Gallatin Field
Butte/Bert Mooney Airport
Casper/Natrona County International Airport
City of Colorado Springs Municipal Airport
Denver International Airport
Denver/Stapleton International Airport
Durango-La Plata County Airport
Eagle County Regional Airport
Eugene/Mahlon Sweet Field
Grand Junction/Walker Field
Great Falls International Airport
Gunnison County Airport
Hayden/Yampa Valley
Helena Regional Airport
Idaho Falls/Fanning Field
Jackson Hole Airport
Kalispell/Glacier Park International Airport
Lewiston-Nez Perce County Airport
Medford-Jackson County Airport
Missoula International Airport
Moses Lake/Grant County Airport
Pasco/Tri-Cities Airport
Portland International Airport
Pueblo Memorial Airport
Redmond/Roberts Field
Salt Lake City International Airport
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Spokane International Airport
Yakima Air Terminal

------------------------------------------------------- Appendix I:0.7

Aguadilla, Puerto Rico/Rafael Hernandez Airport
Asheville Regional Airport
Augusta/Bush Field Municipal Airport
Birmingham International Airport
Bristol/Johnson/Kingsport/Tri-City Regional Airport
Charleston International Airport
Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands/Cyril E.  King Airport
Charlotte/Douglas International Airport
Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport
Christiansted, Virgin Islands/Alexander Hamilton Airport
Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport
Columbia Metropolitan Airport
Columbus Metropolitan Airport
Daytona Beach Regional Airport
Elgin Air Force Base
Fayetteville Regional Airport-Grannis Field
Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport
Fort Myers/Southwest Florida International Airport
Gainesville Regional Airport
Greensboro/Piedmont Triad International Airport
Greenville-Spartanburg Airport
Gulfport-Biloxi Regional Airport
Huntsville International Airport-Carl T.  Jones Field
Jackson International Airport
Jacksonville/Albert J.  Ellis Airport
Jacksonville International Airport
Kinston Regional Jetport
Knoxville/McGhee Tyson Airport
Lexington/Blue Grass Airport
Louisville/Standiford Field
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico/Eugenio Maria de Hostos Airport
Melbourne Regional Airport
Memphis International Airport
Miami International Airport
Mobile Regional Airport
Montgomery Airport-Dannelly Field
Myrtle Beach Jetport
Nashville International Airport
Orlando International Airport
Palm Beach International Airport
Panama City-Bay County International Airport
Pensacola Regional Airport
Ponce, Puerto Rico/Mercedita Airport
Raleigh-Durham International Airport
Saint Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport
San Juan, Puerto Rico/Luis Munoz Marin International Airport
Sarasota Bradenton International Airport
Savannah International Airport

Tampa International Airport
The William B.  Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport
Wilmington/New Hanover International Airport

------------------------------------------------------- Appendix I:0.8

Albuquerque International Airport
Amarillo International Airport
Austin/Robert Mueller Municipal Airport
Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport
Corpus Christi International Airport
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
Dallas-Love Field
El Paso International Airport
Harlingen/Rio Grande Valley International Airport
Houston Intercontinental Airport
Houston/William P.  Hobby Airport
Lafayette Regional Airport
Laredo International Airport
Little Rock/Adams Field
Lubbock International Airport
McAllen-Miller International Airport
Midland International Airport
Monroe Regional Airport
New Orleans International Airport-Moisant Field
Oklahoma City/Will Rogers World Airport
San Antonio International Airport
Shreveport Regional Airport
Tulsa International Airport
Waco Regional Airport
Wichita Falls Municipal Airport

------------------------------------------------------- Appendix I:0.9

Agana, Guam/Guam International Air Terminal
Arcata/Eureka Airport
Bakersfield/Meadows Field
Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport
Elko Municipal Airport-J.  C.  Harris Field
Fresno Air Terminal
Hilo International Airport
Honolulu International Airport
Johnston Atoll Airport
Kahului Airport
Keahole-Kona International Airport
Lake Tahoe Airport
Lanai Airport
Las Vegas/McCarran International Airport
Lihue Airport
Long Beach Airport-Daugherty Field
Los Angeles International Airport
Metropolitan Oakland International Airport
Monterey Peninsula Airport
Obyan, Northern Mariana Islands/Saipan International Airport
Ontario International Airport
Pago Pago, American Samoa/Pago Pago International Airport
Palm Springs Regional Airport
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
Reno Cannon International Airport
Sacramento Metropolitian Airport
San Diego International Airport-Lindbergh Field
San Francisco International Airport
San Jose International Airport
Santa Ana/John Wayne Airport
Santa Barbara Municipal Airport
Tucson International Airport

========================================================== Appendix II

   (See figure in printed

========================================================= Appendix III

                   (Dollars in millions\a)

                                            Airports' actual
                           FAA's initial       and projected
Year                            estimate             costs\b
--------------------  ------------------  ------------------
1989                              $ 28.4              $ 16.4
1990                                60.0                22.7
1991                                27.4                79.3
1992                                25.9               126.7
1993                                10.9               109.6
1994                                11.7                98.1
1995                                12.1                44.1
1996                                11.9                50.1
1997                                10.9                51.1
1998                                11.7                55.6
Total                             $211.0              $653.6
\a Figures include airlines' costs.  Figures for years 1989 through
1993 are actual.  Figures for years 1994 through 1998 are projected. 

\b Figures do not sum to total because of rounding. 

Source:  FAA. 

========================================================== Appendix IV

To address our objectives, we performed work at FAA headquarters in
Washington, D.C.  We also met with officials at FAA's Central Region
in Kansas City, Missouri; its Northwest Mountain Region in Seattle,
Washington; Southern Region in Atlanta, Georgia; and Western-Pacific
Region in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California.  We visited 17
airports of varying size throughout the country.  We interviewed
executives and former executives of aviation industry associations,
including those representing the interests of airports, airlines, and
pilots.  We attended a major conference in Nashville, Tennessee, at
which we communicated our understanding of access control issues and
sought the knowledge of airport managers. 

We attended meetings of the Aviation Security Advisory Committee; the
Committee's Universal Access System subgroup; and RTCA, Incorporated
Special Committee 183.  We conferred privately with these groups'
members, which included senior FAA officials, aviation industry
representatives, and system experts.  At our request, FAA surveyed
all 258 regulated airports to gather detailed data on the costs that
airports and airlines have incurred to date and on costs that they
anticipate incurring through the year 2003 for access control
systems.  We worked closely with FAA during all phases of its survey
to understand the validity of the information.  Finally, we reviewed
the agency's regulations, policies, and procedures governing access
control systems. 

=========================================================== Appendix V


Robert E.  Levin, Assistant Director
M.  Aaron Casey
Charles R.  Chambers


Randall B.  Williamson, Assistant Director
Lisa C.  Dobson
Dana E.  Greenberg