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Rural America, formerly Rural Development Perspectives
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Volume 15, No. 1--Feature Articles: "Rural Consumer Markets," "Thinking About Rural Manufacturing: A Brief History," "Federal Funds in the Black Belt," "Child Poverty in Nonmetro Areas in the 1990's," and "Using Microenterprise Programs in the Rural United States."

Volume 14, No. 3--Feature Articles: "Strategic Planning for Telecommunications Rural Communities," "Innovations in the Delivery of Health Care Services to Rural Communities: Telemedicine and Limited-Service Hospitals," "Telecommunications Access for Rural Americans With Disabilities," "Growth of the Oldest Old Population and Future Implications for Rural Areas," "Are Workers in the Rural South Ready for the Future?," and Rural Issues in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland Common to United States,"

Volume 14, No. 2--Feature Articles: "Migrants Settling Far and Wide in the Rural West," "Amenities Increasingly Draw People to the Rural West," "Jobs Follow People in the Rural Rocky Mountain West," "Migrants to Oregon in the 1990's: Working Age, Near-Retirees, and Retirees Make Different Destination Choices," "Quality of Life, Nontraditional Income, and Economic Growth: New Development Opportunities for the Rural West," "Employment Growth in the Rural West From 1985 to 1995 Outpaced the Nation," "Wildlife Conservation and Economic Development in the West," "Finding Common Ground on Western Lands," and "Water Markets: Implications for Rural Areas of the West."

Volume 14, No. 1--Feature Articles: "Increasing the Minimum Wage: Implications for Rural Poverty and Employment," "Choosing To Work Off-Farm," "Tobacco Communities Facing Change," "Financial Markets Serve Rural Areas Reasonably Well," "Federal Funding's Unique Role in Appalachia," and "Nonmetro Displaced Workers Face Less Hardship Than Metro Displaced Workers."

Volume 13, No. 3--Feature Articles: "The Continuing Population Rebound in Nonmetro America," "Racial and Spatial Equity in Welfare Programs: Interstate and Intercounty Differences in Welfare Spending," "Rural Poor Have Less Access to Supermarkets, Large Grocery Stores," "Local Government Financial Capacity and the Growing Importance of State Aid," "Do Rural Youth Attain Their Educational Goals?", "Impact of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 for Rural Areas," and "Multi-Agency Service Teams: A New Approach in Maine To Deliver Technical Assistance to Rural Manufacturers."

Volume 13, No. 2--Feature Articles: "Poverty of Older Women Across the Rural-Urban Continuum," "Rural Communities and Military Base Closings," "Rail Freight Consolidation and Rural America," "Rural Manufacturers in the Export Market," "Employment in Small Towns: Microbusinesses, Part-Time Work, and Lack of Benefits Characterize Iowa Firms," "Migration, Residential Mobility, and Poverty in Rural Pennsylvania."

Volume 13, No. 1--Feature Articles: "Sustaining the Great Plains," "Agriculture and New Agricultural Policies in the Great Plains," "Population Change in the Great Plains: A History of Prolonged Decline," "Net Migration in the Great Plains Increasingly Linked to Natural Amenities and Suburbanization," "Can Manufacturing Reverse Rural Great Plains Depopulation?," "Retail/Wholesale Trade Employment Directly Related to Population Change in the Nonmetro Great Plains," "Which Federal Programs Are Most Important for the Great Plains?," "What Do Nonemployers Contribute to Retail and Service Opportunities in the Great Plains?"

Volume 12, No. 3--Feature Articles: "Overcoming Persistent Poverty and Sinking Into It: Income Trends in Persistent-Poverty and Other High-Poverty Counties, 1989-94," "Rural Labor Markets Often Lead Urban Markets in Recessions and Expansions," "Rural Industry Clusters Raise Local Earnings," "Commuting and the Economic Functions of Small Towns and Places," "Rural Areas in the New Telecommunications Era," "Industrial Uses of Agricultural Products Such as Crambe Play a Role in Rural Community Development," "Sustaining a Rural Black Farming Community in the South: A Portrait of Brooks Farm, Mississippi"

Volume 12, No. 2--Feature Articles: "Manufacturing and the Midwest Rural Economy: Recent Trends and Implications for the Future," "When Rural Communities Lose Passenger Rail Service," "Direct Farm Marketing as a Rural Development Tool," "Why U.S. Agriculture and Rural Areas Have a Stake in Small Farms"

Volume 12, No. 1--Feature Articles: "The Value of Rural America," "The Value of Rural Life in American Culture," "Corridors of Value: Rural Land in Rural Life," "Why Americans Value Rural Life," and "Rural America as a Symbol of American Values"

Volume 11, No. 3--Feature Articles: "Lone Eagles and High Fliers in Rural Producer Services," "Computer Use by Rural Workers is Rapidly Increasing," "Communities May Lose Military Retirees Along With Their Bases," "Minimum Wage Increase Could Raise Many Rural Workers' Wages," and "Census Tracts More Precisely Define Rural Populations and Areas"

Volume 11, No. 2--Feature Articles: "State Rural Development Councils Are Creating Public-Private Partnerships," "Rural America's Transportation Network: Issues for the 1990's," "Deadwood, South Dakota Gambling, Historic Preservation, and Economic Revitalization," "Rural Prisons: An Update," "Retired Farm Operators: Who Are They?" and "Who's Vulnerable to Federal Budget Cuts?"

Contact: Deana Kussman
Updated: June 14, 2000

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