Forest Service Wildland Waters
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Forest Service Wildland Waters 

Wildland Waters is a series of six publications.  Each issue is devoted to a single topic with the intent of promoting understanding of and developing collaborative solutions to water issues.

The Social Side of  Watershed Restoration (PDF / TEXT) Spring 2006
If technically top-notch restoration efforts fall short of expectations, the social and human dimensions of watershed work may need additional attention.  In this issue, we look at the social aspects; provide examples of a few collaborative approaches; and some policy and research needs.

The Role and Management of Fire in Aquatic Ecosystems (PDF / TEXT) Summer 2005
In this issue, we explore the role of fire in aquatic ecosystems, with an emphasis on forested watersheds in the Western United States. We look at the ecological influence and impacts of fire on water, watersheds, and aquatic species; examine some management challenges and the debates in which they are enmeshed.

Abandoned Mine Lands and the Challenge of Water Protection (PDF / TEXT) Winter 2005
In this issue, we examine how past hardrock mining activities affect water today and tomorrow.  We explore a few of the creative solutions to complex clean-up challenges, as well as, research, technology and policy issues.

Private Forests & Water Resources [ PDF / TEXT ] Summer 2004
Comprising roughly half the forested land in the United States, non-industrial private forests include vital yet vulnerable water resources. This issue explores the land-use activities and pressures that confront these forests, and provides examples of programs and policy options to support working private forests for the future.

Small Watersheds in Experimental Forests [ PDF / TEXT ] Spring 2004
In this issue, we are introduced to the role of forests as living laboratories. Located in protected settings across the country, the USDA Forest Service experimental forests are key sources of long-term water information.

Our Municipal Water Supplies and Our Forests [ PDF / TEXT ] May 2002
This issue provides a broad overview of the current ecological, political and social status of water issues in the United States.

[ Forest Service ] [ USDA ]

Title: USDA Forest Service Wildland Waters
Stop Code 1123, 1400 Independence Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20250-1123
ATTN: Cooperative Forestry Staff.

Phone: 202-205-1274
Publish_date: 8/08/05
Expires: none

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