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News Media Resources: DTRA Fact Sheets - Thermobaric ACTD

Thermobaric ACTD

The Thermobaric Weapon Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) leverages existing concepts and efforts in energetic payload technology (explosives), warhead case survivability, guidance, and operational tactics.

The thermobaric weapon integrates, demonstrates and delivers an improved weapon system for the functional defeat of tunnel targets. Functional defeat refers to eliminating a facility's capability to perform its intended function, even though the structure itself may remain largely intact. It relies on denial, disruption, degradation, or destruction of one or more of the critical elements in the tunnel necessary to perform its mission (personnel, equipment, or environmental support).

The demonstration began in FY02 and will be completed in FY06 with a military utility assessment. Activities in FY 06 through FY 08 will focus on the development of future enhancements and adaptation of the thermobaric weapon to other delivery platforms and/or guidance packages to enhance the potential for transitioning the program into an acquisition program.

The ACTD is intended to provide an i mproved military capability that would require fewer weapons for functional defeat, provide longer duration shutdown, compared to similar conventional attacks, and be less sensitive to intelligence gaps and uncertainties.

As a consequence of the positive results achieved by penetrating weapons against reinforced concrete bunkers during recent conflicts, many nations are moving their most valuable national assets into underground facilities, particularly tunnels. In many cases, the mission critical areas of tunnel facilities are practically invulnerable to physical destruction using current conventional weapons -- requiring a functional defeat of tunnel facilities.

ACTD scientists will address these deficiencies by developing a weapon that is capable of generating increased weapon effects to functionally defeat mission areas inside tunnels. The program will design a high-strength warhead case compatible with existing guidance kits and develop an explosive fill with improved air-blast capabilities. Additionally, the program will enhance guidance system and operational tactics to provide the warfighter with an improved capability to defeat tunnel targets.

This development approach will provide initial residual assets for the operational combatant commander at the conclusion of the ACTD, followed by the possibility for transition to an acquisition program. Initial residual assets are those left at the completion of the ACTD and prior to the acquisition of additional assets through the standard acquisition program.

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) manages the Thermobaric ACTD project. Other agencies involved in the project include the Air Armament Center at Eglin AFB, Florida , and the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Division, Maryland.

Defense Threat Reduction Agency

DTRA safeguards America and its allies from weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high yield explosives) by providing capabilities to reduce, eliminate, and counter the threat, and mitigate its effects. This Department of Defense combat support agency is located at Fort Belvoir, Va., and operates field offices worldwide.

March 2007

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