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Facts and Figures / History of BLMMission Statement

BLM Utah Facts & Figures

Graphic--Multicolored file folders with Facts & Figures For Utah printed on the frontDid you know . . .
. . . How many cows graze the over 22,900,000 million acres of BLM lands in Utah?
. . . Or how many head of cattle or sheep used to roam the range back in 1940?
. . . Yearly revenues collected from uses of public lands topped $80 million last year?
. . . Even though BLM Utah administers the most arid regions of one of the driest states in the U.S., did you know there are 2,060 miles of streams and 9,412 acres of lakes and marshlands providing valuable wetland habitat in Utah?
. . . Recreation visitors topped 10,000,000 last year.
. . . 779 wildfires broke out in Utah--68 of those were human caused.

If you've ever wondered about these or other facts about your public lands, then this is the place (as they like to say around here) to find our annual compilation of statistical information.

- 2000 Facts & Figures
- 1999 Facts & Figures
- 1998 Facts & Figures
- 1997 Facts & Figures


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Bureau of Land Management
Utah State Office
PO Box 45155
Salt Lake City, Utah 84145-0155
Phone: (801) 539-4001
Fax:      (801) 539-4013

Created by Utah Bureau of  Land Management
Last Updated:  May 20, 2004
