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America's Eating Habits: Changes and Consequences

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Elizabeth Frazao (editor)

Agriculture Information Bulletin No. (AIB750) 484 pp, May 1999

Individual chapters in this book provide different perspectives on the nutrition problems in the United States: what are the economic costs associated with unhealthy eating patterns; how do dietary patterns compare with dietary recommendations; how do national income and prices, advertising, health claims, and trends in eating away from home affect nutrient intake; how much do people know about nutrition and how does nutrition knowledge and attitudes affect intake of fats and cholesterol; how do different government programs and regulations influence food expenditures and consumption; what are some public and private efforts to improve healthy eating; and what are potential impacts of healthier eating on domestic agriculture.

Keywords: diet, nutrition, health, eating patterns, nutrition education, dietary guidelines, food guide pyramid, Healty Eating Index

In this report ...

Chapters are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

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Updated date: May 1, 1999

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