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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 03-008
Online Only
Version 1.0

Gulf of Mexico Planktic Foraminifer Core-top Calibration Data Set:  Raw Data

By Harry J. Dowsett1, Charlotte A. Brunner2, Stacey Verardo1, and Richard Z. Poore1

1 U.S. Geological Survey, 926A National Center, Reston, Virginia, 20192
2 Department of Marine Science, University of Southern Mississippi, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, 39529

Introduction and Background

Paleoceanographers use the distribution of planktic foraminifers in sediment samples to estimate past oceanographic and paleoclimatic conditions (see Murray, 1995 for review).  Analysis of climate and environmental variability on the decadal to millenial scale requires a taxonomically stable and well-dated core-top calibration data set.  Databases used in global reconstructions of the last glacial maximum (Cline and Hays, 1976; CLIMAP, 1976; 1981), last interglacial (CLIMAP, 1984), and middle Pliocene (Dowsett et al., 1999) do not always meet these requirements.  In this report we present planktic foraminifer faunal census data and AMS 14C data which can be be used in investigations of climate variability in the Gulf of Mexico region (eg. Poore et al., in review). More comprehensive interpretation and analysis of these data, aimed at developing a temporally and taxonomically stable data set will follow in other publications (see Dowsett et al., 2002).

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Contact Information

For questions about the scientific content of this report, contact Harry J. Dowsett.

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