[House Document 108-220]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

108th Congress, 2d Session - - - - - - - - - - - - House Document 108-220







                        BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

 September 29, 2004.--Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and 
                         ordered to be printed

                                           The White House,
                                    Washington, September 27, 2004.
Hon. J. Dennis Hastert,
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Washington, DC.
    Dear Mr. Speaker: On September 8th, I signed into law 
Public Law 108-303, the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations 
for Disaster Relief Act, which provided $2 billion in 
supplemental funds for hurricane-related disaster relief. On 
September 14th, I submitted a supplemental request totaling 
$3.1 billion to continue immediate assistance to address the 
impact of Hurricanes Charley and Frances.
    Due to Hurricanes Ivan and Jeanne and other hurricane-
related needs, I am requesting additional emergency funds from 
the Congress. I now ask the Congress to consider the enclosed 
requests, totaling over $7.1 billion, for additional emergency 
FY 2004 supplemental resources for the Departments of 
Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Homeland Security, the 
Interior, Justice, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs; as 
well as the Corps of Engineers, International Assistance 
Programs, and the Small Business Administration.
    I hereby designate these specific proposals in the amounts 
requested herein as emergency requirements. These additional 
requests will support response and recovery efforts to address 
the critical needs associated with the effects of Hurricanes 
Ivan and Jeanne and other storms in southern and eastern States 
and other affected areas. In addition to this enacted and 
requested emergency funding, Federal agencies will continue to 
use existing resources and programs for response and recovery 
efforts from all recent hurricanes and storms.
    I urge the Congress to limit this emergency funding to 
those items directly related to the recovery efforts from the 
impact of these recent major disasters and to act expeditiously 
on this and my September 14th emergency supplemental request.
    The details of this request are set forth in the enclosed 
letter from the Director of the Office of Management and 
                                                    George W. Bush.

                [Estimate No. 13, 108th Cong., 2d Sess.]

                 Executive Office of the President,
                           Office of Management and Budget,
                                Washington, DC, September 27, 2004.
The President,
The White House.
    On September 14th, you submitted a supplemental request 
totaling $3.1 billion to continue immediate assistance to 
address the impact of Hurricanes Charley and Frances. This 
request was in addition to the $2 billion provided on September 
8th in P.L. 108-303, the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations 
for Disaster Relief Act, 2004, for immediate response efforts 
to these recent disasters.
    Submitted for your consideration are additional FY 2004 
emergency supplemental proposals, totaling over $7.1 billion, 
for the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Homeland 
Security, the Interior, Justice, Transportation, and Veterans 
Affairs; as well as the Corps of Engineers, International 
Assistance Programs, and the Small Business Administration. 
These funds are being requested to provide immediate needs 
assistance to address the impact of Hurricanes Ivan and Jeanne 
and other storms in southern and eastern States and other 
affected areas. When combined with already enacted emergency 
appropriations, supplemental funding associated with these 
major disasters will total over $12.2 billion.
    As described below and in more detail in the enclosures, 
the requests include the following:
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
     $20 million for the Forest Service for clean-up, 
and repair needs for roads, trails and facilities in national 
forests in the States of Florida, North Carolina, and South 
Carolina that were damaged by Hurricanes Charley, Frances, and 
Ivan and Tropical Storm Gaston.
     $400 million in agricultural assistance to provide 
needed financial assistance to agricultural producers suffering 
crop losses from 2004 hurricanes. Of the total request, $100 
million would be available for clean-up, including technical 
and financial assistance for improvements, while $90 million 
will be provided to carry out specialty crop assistance for 
2004 hurricane losses. This assistance is in addition to USDA 
efforts already underway. On September 24th, Secretary Veneman 
announced that, in response to your August 27th directive to 
USDA, producers of citrus, fruits and vegetables and nursery 
crops located in Florida counties that have received a 
Presidential disaster declaration for Hurricanes Charley and 
Frances will be eligible for special disaster relief. You 
instructed USDA to use existing authorities under Section 32 to 
assist growers impacted by Hurricanes Charley and Frances in 
their cleanup efforts and to compensate them for lost crops and 
trees. USDA is moving quickly to comply with your direction and 
the Secretary has directed the Farm Service Agency to work with 
Florida state and local offices to deliver the assistance in a 
timely manner. Details of the program will be made available 
this week at USDA Service Centers.
Department of Commerce
     $14.7 million is requested for the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to repair facilities, to 
address impacts to endangered species and their habitat, and to 
provide necessary upgrades to hurricane forecasting assets.
Department of Defense (DOD)
     $889.4 million is requested for DOD for costs 
associated with the evacuation, base preparation, base 
recovery, and damage to structure and equipment at various 
military facilities caused by Hurricane Ivan and other storms. 
The request will support the immediate rehabilitation of 
utilities, the repair and reconstruction of facilities, and 
reimbursement for those who were required to evacuate. This 
request is in addition to the $72.5 million requested for DOD 
on September 14th.
Homeland Security
     $4.5 billion is requested for the Department of 
Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 
for disaster relief for States affected by Hurricanes Ivan and 
Jeanne, as well as other ongoing and future disasters. The 
funding will support response and recovery efforts, including 
assistance to families and individuals, and other urgent 
requirements such as emergency protective measures and debris 
removal in the affected areas. Additionally, this funding will 
support the rebuilding of state and local public 
infrastructure. This request is in addition to the $2 billion 
requested for FEMA on September 14th, as well as the $2 billion 
enacted in P.L. 108-303. Even with these additional funds, FEMA 
will still require your full FY 2005 request.
     $18.0 million is requested for the United States 
Coast Guard to repair damage to Coast Guard facilities, to 
replace lost or damaged buoys and channel markers, and for 
other emergency expenses such as personnel evacuation. This 
request is in addition to the $8 million requested for the U.S. 
Coast Guard on September 14th.
Department of the Interior
     $45.0 million is requested for clean-up and 
facility repair at national wildlife refuges, national park 
units, and at United States Geological Survey sites in the 
affected areas. This request is in addition to the $21.3 
million requested for the Department of the Interior on 
September 14th.

Department of Justice

     $24.1 million is requested for the Federal Bureau 
of Prisons to repair structural damage caused by Hurricane Ivan 
and other related storms to numerous Federal prison facilities 
located in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia. This assistance is 
needed to repair and replace damaged roofs, repair and replace 
buildings and secure perimeter fencing, remove downed trees, 
and replace lost or damaged equipment and supplies.

Department of Transportation

     $5.1 million is requested for the Federal Aviation 
Administration (FAA) to repair or replace the multiple FAA 
facilities that were damaged in the recent storms.
     $600 million for the Federal Highway 
Administration's Emergency Relief Program for emergency repairs 
to eligible highways and roads affected by Hurricanes Charley, 
Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne.

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

     $5.0 million is requested for hurricane response 
and relief. Uses include, but are not limited to, repairing 
hospitals and outpatient clinics, as well as reimbursing VA for 
assistance to local communities, overtime for VA staff, 
contracting with medical providers for care, and repairing 
national cemeteries. This request is in addition to the $24.1 
million requested for VA on September 14th.

Corps of Engineers (Corps)

     $81.0 million is requested for the Corps to 
restore navigation channels, repair and rehabilitate coastal 
areas, and address other projects in areas affected by 
Hurricane Ivan. This request is in addition to the $118 million 
requested for the Corps on September 14th.

International Assistance Programs

     $50 million is requested in international disaster 
and famine assistance funds to mitigate the damage from 
Hurricanes Ivan and Jeanne in Grenada, Jamaica, Haiti, and 
other nations.

Small Business Administration SBA

     $472.0 million is requested to provide funds to 
cover the large number of disaster loans expected to be made to 
individuals and businesses due to Hurricane Ivan. This request 
is in addition to the $457 million requested for SBA on 
September 14th.
    All of the requests in the transmittal are for the purpose 
of fulfilling known and urgent requirements that cannot 
reasonably be met through the use of existing agency funds. I 
recommend that you designate the specific proposals contained 
in this transmittal as emergency requirements.
    I have carefully reviewed these proposals and am satisfied 
that they are necessary at this time. Therefore, I join the 
heads of the affected Departments and agencies in recommending 
you transmit the proposals to the Congress.
                                          Joshua B. Bolten,

                       DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE

                             Forest Service


    For an additional amount for ``Capital Improvements and 
Maintenance,'' $20,000,000, to remain available until expended 
for emergency hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That 
Congress designates this amount as an emergency requirement for 
this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the Forest 
Service for clean-up, and repair needs for roads, trails and 
facilities, in national forests in the States of Florida, North 
Carolina, and South Carolina that were damaged by Hurricanes 
Charley, Frances, and Ivan and Tropical Storm Gaston.

                       DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE

                     Agricultural Assistance Title


    (a) Crop Disaster Assistance.--
          (1)(A) The Secretary of Agriculture shall use such 
        sums as are necessary of funds of the Commodity Credit 
        Corporation to make emergency financial assistance 
        available to producers on a farm in the United States, 
        including Puerto Rico that have incurred qualifying 
        losses for the 2004 or 2005 crop of an agricultural 
        commodity due to damaging weather related to any 
        hurricane or tropical storm of the 2004 hurricane 
        season, in counties declared disaster areas by the 
        President of the United States.
          (B) The Secretary shall make assistance available 
        under this section in the same manner as provided under 
        section 202 of Public Law 108-7, including using the 
        same loss thresholds as were used in administering that 
          (2)(A) The payment rate for a crop for assistance 
        provided under this section to the producers on a farm 
        shall be calculated as follows:
                  (i) If the producers obtained a policy or 
                plan of insurance, including a catastrophic 
                risk protection plan, for the crop under the 
                Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et 
                seq.), 50 percent of the established RMA price 
                for the crop.
                  (ii) If a policy or plan of insurance, 
                including a catastrophic risk protection plan, 
                for the crop was not available to the producers 
                under the Federal Crop Insurance Act, 50 
                percent of the State average price for the 
                  (iii) Subject to sub-paragraphs 4 and 5, if 
                the producers did not obtain a policy or plan 
                of insurance, including a catastrophic risk 
                protection plan, available for the crop under 
                the Federal Crop Insurance Act, 45 percent of 
                the established RMA price for the crop.
          (B) The amount of assistance that a producer would 
        otherwise receive for a qualifying crop or quality loss 
        under paragraph A of this subsection shall be reduced 
        by the amount of assistance that the producer receives 
        from section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935 with 
        respect to 2004 hurricane losses.
          (C)(i) Assistance provided under this section to a 
        producer for losses to a crop, together with the 
        amounts specified in paragraph (2)(A) applicable to the 
        same crop, may not exceed 95 percent of what the value 
        of the crop would have been in the absence of the 
        losses, as estimated by the Secretary.
          (ii) In applying the limitation in paragraph (C)(i), 
        the Secretary shall include the following:
                  (A) Any crop insurance payment made under the 
                Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et 
                seq.) or payment under section 196 of the 
                Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act 
                of 1996 (7 U.S.C. 7333) that the producer 
                receives for losses to the same crop.
                  (B) The value of the crop that was not lost 
                (if any), as estimated by the Secretary.
          (iii) Payments will be limited to a maximum of 
        $80,000 per producer.
                  (A) This limit applies to the sum of payments 
                from this program, as well as payments made 
                under section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935 
                with respect to 2004 hurricane losses.
          (3) Except as provided in paragraph (4), the 
        producers on a farm shall not be eligible for 
        assistance under this section with respect to losses to 
        an insurable commodity or noninsurable commodity if the 
        producers on the farm--
                  (A) in the case of an insurable commodity, 
                did not obtain a policy or plan of insurance 
                for the insurable commodity under the Federal 
                Crop Insurance Act for the crop incurring the 
                losses; and
                  (B) in the case of a noninsurable commodity, 
                did not file the required paperwork, and pay 
                the administrative fee by the applicable State 
                filing deadline, for the noninsurable commodity 
                under section 196 of the Federal Agriculture 
                Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 for the crop 
                incurring the losses; or
                  (C) had adjusted gross incomes, as defined by 
                section 1001D of the Food Security Act of 1985, 
                of greater than $2.5 million in 2003; or
                  (D) were not in compliance with highly 
                erodible land conservation and wetland 
                conservation provisions.
          (4) The Secretary may waive paragraphs (3)(A) and (B) 
        with respect to the producers on a farm if the 
        producers enter into a contract with the Secretary 
        under which the producers agree--
                  (A) in the case of an insurable commodity, to 
                obtain a policy or plan of insurance under the 
                Federal Crop Insurance Act providing additional 
                coverage for the insurable commodity for each 
                of the next two crop years;
                  (B) in the case of a noninsurable commodity 
                to file the required paperwork, and pay the 
                administrative fee by the applicable State 
                filing deadline, for the noninsurable commodity 
                for each of the next two crops under section 
                196 of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and 
                Reform Act of 1996.
          (5) In the event of the violation of a contract under 
        paragraph (4) by a producer, the producer shall 
        reimburse the Secretary for the full amount of the 
        assistance provided to the producer under this section.
          (6) Definitions.--In this sub-section:
                  (A) The term ``additional coverage'' has the 
                meaning given the term in section 502(b)(1) of 
                the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 
                  (B) The term ``insurable commodity'' means an 
                agricultural commodity (excluding livestock) 
                for which the producers on a farm are eligible 
                to obtain a policy or plan of insurance under 
                the Federal Crop Insurance Act.
                  (C) The term ``noninsurable commodity'' means 
                an eligible crop for which the producers on a 
                farm are eligible to obtain assistance under 
                section 196 of the Federal Agriculture 
                Improvement and Reform Act of 1996.
    (b) Clean-Up Assistance.--The Secretary shall provide up to 
$100,000,000 of Commodity Credit Corporation funds for the 
Emergency Watershed Protection Program and/or the Emergency 
Conservation Program to carry out additional activities in 
response to the 2004 hurricanes and tropical storms, including 
the provision of technical and financial assistance for 
improvements and clean-up. Persons that received payments from 
section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935 with respect to 2004 
hurricane losses are not eligible for these funds. Funds will 
be allocated to the programs, as determined by the Secretary.
    (c) Section 32 Payments.--The Secretary shall transfer 
$90,000,000 of funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation to the 
fund established by section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935 (7 
U.S.C. 612c), to carry out payments with respect to 2004 
hurricane losses.
    (d) The Secretary shall use the funds, facilities, and 
authorities of the Commodity Credit Corporation to carry out 
this section, to remain available through September 30, 2006.
    (e) The Secretary may promulgate such regulations as are 
necessary to implement this section, provided that the 
Secretary shall use the authority provided under 5 U.S.C. 808.
    (f) Congress designates the amounts provided under this 
section as an emergency requirement for the specific purposes 
authorized herein.
    This request would provide necessary funds, currently 
estimated at $400 million, for the Department of Agriculture to 
provide financial assistance to agricultural producers 
suffering crop losses from 2004 hurricanes. Of the total 
request, $100 million would be available for clean-up, 
including technical and financial assistance for improvements, 
while $90 million will be provided to carry out specialty crop 
assistance for 2004 hurricane losses.

                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

            National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


    For an additional amount for ``Operations, Research and 
Facilities,'' $7,900,000, to remain available until expended: 
Provided, That Congress designates this amount as an emergency 
requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide $1.2 million for impacts to 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration facilities and 
assets, including repairs for laboratory facilities, weather 
radio towers, and marine buoys, as well as costs associated 
with hurricane preparations; $2.9 million for impacts to 
endangered species, including assessment and restoration 
efforts for impaired habitat and Endangered Species Act 
responsibilities associated with disaster clean up; and $3.8 
million to address hurricane forecasting.

                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

            National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


    For an additional amount for ``Procurement, Acquisition and 
Construction,'' $6,800,000, to remain available until expended: 
Provided, That Congress designates this amount as an emergency 
requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request will provide $3.3 million for instrumentation 
on hurricane hunter aircraft used to determine intensity and 
potential storm surge; and $3.5 million for airborne Doppler 
radar used for hurricane precipitation and wind field 

                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                           Military Personnel

                        MILITARY PERSONNEL, NAVY

    For an additional amount for ``Military Personnel, Navy,'' 
$1,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2005, for 
emergency hurricane-related expenses, for the costs of 
evacuation, which shall be available for transfer to reimburse 
costs incurred in FY 2004 as a result of emergency evacuations 
due to hurricanes: Provided, That Congress designates this 
amount as an emergency requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, the request funds mileage, per diem, and 
lodging costs for the evacuation of military dependents, as 
authorized by the Joint Federal Travel Regulation. Base 
evacuations were ordered in the States of Florida, Mississippi, 
and Alabama.

                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                           Military Personnel

                     MILITARY PERSONNEL, AIR FORCE

    For an additional amount for ``Military Personnel, Air 
Force,'' $11,125,000, to remain available until September 30, 
2005, for emergency hurricane-related expenses, for the costs 
of evacuation which shall be available for transfer to 
reimburse costs incurred in FY 2004 as a result of emergency 
evacuations due to hurricanes: Provided, That Congress 
designates this amount as an emergency requirement for this 
specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, the request funds mileage, per diem, and 
lodging costs for the evacuation of military dependents, as 
authorized by the Joint Federal Travel Regulation. Bases which 
were evacuated were in the States of Florida, Mississippi and 

                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                       Operation and Maintenance


    For an additional amount for ``Operation and Maintenance, 
Army,'' $2,825,000, to remain available until September 30, 
2005, for emergency hurricane-related expenses, for the costs 
of repairs to structures and equipment, evacuation, base 
preparation, and base recovery; of which not to exceed 25 
percent shall be available for transfer to reimburse costs 
incurred in FY 2004 as a result of emergency evacuations and 
immediate recovery related to basic infrastructure due to 
hurricanes: Provided, That Congress designates these amounts as 
an emergency requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, this request funds repair to facilities and 
infrastructure at Army bases affected by the recent hurricanes, 
including but not limited to: Ft. Rucker in Alabama; Ft. 
Benning and Ft. McPherson in Georgia; and, Ft. Buchanan in 
Puerto Rico. Funded activities include repair or replacement of 
roofs, windows, and drainage. In addition, this funds recovery 
efforts such as clearing debris.

                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                       Operation and Maintenance


    For an additional amount for ``Operation and Maintenance, 
Navy,'' $397,391,000, to remain available until September 30, 
2005, for emergency hurricane-related expenses, for the costs 
of repairs to structures and equipment, evacuation, base 
preparation, and base recovery; of which not to exceed 25 
percent shall be available for transfer to reimburse costs 
incurred in FY 2004 as a result of emergency evacuations and 
immediate recovery related to basic infrastructure due to 
hurricanes: Provided, That Congress designates these amounts as 
an emergency requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, the request funds critical clean up, 
replacement of damaged equipment and repairs to Naval 
facilities throughout the storm-impacted areas, including but 
not limited to Pensacola Naval Air Station and Whiting Field in 
Pensacola, Florida, and Meridian Naval Air Station in 
Mississippi. The funds will be used to repair buildings, roofs, 
roads, water, sewer and electrical systems, furnishings and 
other equipment. In addition, the funds pay for the costs 
associated with the evacuation of personnel from the affected 

                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                       Operation and Maintenance


    For an additional amount for ``Operation and Maintenance, 
Air Force,'' $101,972,000, to remain available until September 
30, 2005, for emergency hurricane-related expenses, for the 
costs of repairs to structures and equipment, evacuation, base 
preparation, and base recovery; of which not to exceed 25 
percent shall be available for transfer to reimburse costs 
incurred in FY 2004 as a result of emergency evacuations and 
immediate recovery related to basic infrastructure due to 
hurricanes: Provided, That Congress designates these amounts as 
an emergency requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, the request funds evacuation of military and 
civilian personnel from various installations including but not 
limited to Eglin Air Force Base, Hurlburt Air Force Base, 
Tyndall Air Force Base, and Air Force facilities at Pensacola 
Naval Air Station in Florida, and, Keesler Air Force Base in 
Mississippi, in anticipation of Hurricane Ivan. In addition, 
these funds would cover the costs associated with base 
preparation and recovery from Ivan including repairs to roofs, 
siding, windows and other structural damage as well as water, 
roadway and other storm damage.

                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                       Operation and Maintenance


    For an additional amount for ``Operation and Maintenance, 
Defense-Wide,'' $100,000,000, to remain available until 
September 30, 2005, for emergency hurricane-related expenses 
for the costs of repairs to structures and equipment, 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, and delayed 
satellite launches; of which not to exceed 25 percent shall be 
available for transfer to reimburse costs incurred in FY 2004 
as a result of emergency evacuations and immediate recovery 
related to basic infrastructure due to hurricanes: Provided, 
That Congress designates these amounts as an emergency 
requirement for this specific purpose: Provided further, That 
the Secretary of Defense may transfer these funds to 
appropriations for military personnel and operation and 
maintenance: Provided further, That funds transferred shall be 
merged with and made available for the same purposes and for 
the same time period as the appropriation to which transferred: 
Provided further, That this transfer authority is in addition 
to any other transfer authority available to the Department of 
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation; base preparation; base recovery; damage to 
structures, utilities, and equipment; and launch delays caused 
by Hurricane Ivan and other recent storms. Precise estimates of 
damage caused by hurricanes to facilities throughout the 
Southeast are still being collected but are clearly extensive. 
Because of the uncertainty of some of these costs and the 
resulting need for flexibility in execution, $100 million 
should be made available for transfer into specific accounts as 
the requirements become clearer. This request is in addition to 
the $72.5 million requested for this account on September 14th.

                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                       Operation and Maintenance


    For an additional amount for ``Operation and Maintenance, 
Army Reserve,'' $1,029,000, to remain available until September 
30, 2005, for emergency hurricane-related expenses, for the 
costs of repairs to structures and equipment, evacuation, base 
preparation, and base recovery; of which not to exceed 25 
percent shall be available for transfer to reimburse costs 
incurred in FY 2004 as a result of emergency evacuations and 
immediate recovery related to basic infrastructure due to 
hurricanes: Provided, That Congress designates these amounts as 
an emergency requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan and Tropical 
Storm Jeanne.
    In particular, this request funds repair to facilities and 
infrastructure at bases affected by the recent hurricanes. This 
includes funding for repairing buildings and recovery efforts 
at facilities in Pensacola, Florida and other locations.


                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                       Operation and Maintenance


    For an additional amount for ``Operation and Maintenance, 
Navy Reserve,'' $399,000, to remain available until September 
30, 2005, for emergency hurricane-related expenses, for the 
costs of repairs to structures and equipment, evacuation, base 
preparation, and base recovery; of which not to exceed 25 
percent shall be available for transfer to reimburse costs 
incurred in FY 2004 as a result of emergency evacuations and 
immediate recovery related to basic infrastructure due to 
hurricanes: Provided, That Congress designates these amounts as 
an emergency requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, the request funds critical clean up and 
repair of damaged facilities in the affected areas, including, 
but not limited to Belle Chase and New Orleans in Louisiana.


                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                       Operation and Maintenance


    For an additional amount for ``Operation and Maintenance, 
Army National Guard,'' $2,473,000, to remain available until 
September 30, 2005, for emergency hurricane-related expenses, 
for the costs of repairs to structures and equipment, 
evacuation, base preparation, and base recovery; of which not 
to exceed 25 percent shall be available for transfer to 
reimburse costs incurred in FY 2004 as a result of emergency 
evacuations and immediate recovery related to basic 
infrastructure due to hurricanes: Provided, That Congress 
designates these amounts as an emergency requirement for this 
specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, this request funds repair to facilities and 
infrastructure affected by the recent hurricanes including, but 
not limited to, Camp Shelby in Mississippi, and several 
armories in Alabama. Funded activities include repair of 
fencing, roofs, windows, and other damage. In addition, this 
funds recovery efforts such as clearing debris.


                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                       Operation and Maintenance


    For an additional amount for ``Operation and Maintenance, 
Air National Guard,'' $1,085,000, to remain available until 
September 30, 2005, for emergency hurricane-related expenses, 
for the costs of repairs to structures and equipment, 
evacuation, base preparation, and base recovery; of which not 
to exceed 25 percent shall be available for transfer to 
reimburse costs incurred FY 2004 as a result of emergency 
evacuations and immediate recovery related to basic 
infrastructure due to hurricanes: Provided, That Congress 
designates these amounts as an emergency requirement for this 
specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, the request funds facility repairs at Air 
National Guard installations in Alabama, Louisiana and Puerto 

                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                       Operation and Maintenance

                         DEFENSE HEALTH PROGRAM

    For an additional amount for ``Defense Health Program,'' 
$10,236,000, to remain available until September 30, 2005, for 
emergency hurricane-related expenses, for the costs of repairs 
to structures and equipment, evacuation, base preparation, and 
base recovery: Provided, That Congress designates this amount 
as an emergency requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, these funds would pay for wind and water 
damage to roofs and interiors of hospitals and clinics in 
several areas including, but not limited to: Pensacola Naval 
Hospital in Florida; Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, 
Mississippi; and, Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, 

                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE


                       PROCUREMENT, DEFENSE-WIDE

    For an additional amount for ``Procurement, Defense-Wide,'' 
$250,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2005 for 
emergency hurricane-related expenses, for the costs of repairs 
to structures and facilities, replacement of destroyed or 
damaged equipment, and preparation and recovery of naval 
vessels under construction: Provided, That Congress designates 
these amounts as an emergency requirement, for this specific 
purpose: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense may 
transfer these funds to appropriations for procurement; 
research, development, test, and evaluation; and military 
construction: Provided further, That funds transferred shall be 
merged with and made available for the same purposes and for 
the same time period as the appropriation to which transferred: 
Provided further, That this transfer authority is in addition 
to any other transfer authority available to the Department of 
Defense: Provided further, That such funds may be obligated and 
expended to carry out rebuilding of military construction 
protects not otherwise authorized by law.
    The funds will be used to: (1) replace damaged equipment at 
several Navy and Air Force installations including, but not 
limited to, Eglin Air Force Base and Pensacola Naval Air 
Station; (2) repair damage to research and other facilities; 
and (3) cover the costs of production delays at naval 
shipyards. Because of the uncertainty of some of these costs 
and the resulting need for flexibility in execution, $250 
million should be made available for transfer as the 
requirements become clearer.
    This language also authorizes the use of funds in this 
account for Military Construction. Although most recovery 
efforts will be done through minor repair, it is likely that 
some major construction will be needed on buildings that have 
been severely damaged. A complete list of these projects is not 
yet available.

                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                             Family Housing


    For an additional amount for ``Family Housing, Operation 
and Maintenance, Army,'' $213,000, to remain available until 
September 30, 2005, for emergency hurricane-related expenses, 
for the costs of repairs to structures and equipment, 
evacuation, base preparation and base recovery: Provided, That 
Congress designates this amount as an emergency requirement for 
this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, these funds would pay for family housing 
repairs at facilities including, but not limited to: Fort 
Rucker and Anniston Army Depot in Alabama; Fort Benning in 
Georgia; and Fort Knox in Kentucky.


                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                             Family Housing


    For an additional amount for ``Family Housing, Operation 
and Maintenance, Navy and Marine Corps,'' $3,276,000 to remain 
available until September 30, 2005, for emergency hurricane-
related expenses, for the costs of repairs to structures and 
equipment, evacuation, base preparation, and base recovery: 
Provided, That Congress designates this amount as an emergency 
requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, these funds would pay for family housing 
repairs at Pensacola Naval Air Station, Florida.


                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                             Family Housing


    For an additional amount for ``Family Housing, Operation 
and Maintenance, Air Force,'' $4,400,000, to remain available 
until September 30, 2005, for emergency hurricane-related 
expenses, for the costs of repairs to structures and equipment, 
evacuation, base preparation, and base recovery: Provided, That 
Congress designates this amount as an emergency requirement for 
this specific purpose. 
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, these funds would pay for family housing 
repairs at Hurlburt Air Force Base, MacDill Air Force Base, 
Tyndall Air Force Base and Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.


                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                     Revolving and Management Funds


    For an additional amount for ``Working Capital Fund, 
Defense-Wide,'' $2,000,000, to remain available until September 
30, 2005, for emergency hurricane-related expenses, for the 
costs of repairs to structures and equipment, and base 
recovery: Provided, That Congress designates this amount as an 
emergency requirement for this specific purpose. 
    This request would provide additional funds to the 
Department of Defense to cover the costs associated with 
evacuation, base preparation, base recovery, damage to 
structure and equipment caused by Hurricane Ivan.
    In particular, these funds would pay for repairs to the 
fuel pier and generator building at Pensacola, Florida, and 
repairs to certain defense facilities at Maxwell Air Force 
Base, Alabama; Anniston Army Depot, Alabama; and, Jacksonville, 

                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                           General Provisions

                       GENERAL TRANSFER AUTHORITY

    Sec. XXX. Upon his determination that such action is 
necessary in the national interest, the Secretary of Defense 
may transfer between appropriations up to $200,000,000 of the 
funds made available to the Department of Defense in this 
title: Provided, That the Secretary shall notify the Congress 
promptly of each transfer made pursuant to this authority: 
Provided further, That the transfer authority provided in this 
section is in addition to any other transfer authority 
available to the Department of Defense: Provided further, That 
the authority in this section is subject to the same terms and 
conditions as the authority provided in section 8005 of the 
Department of Defense Appropriations Act 2005, except for the 
fourth proviso.
    This provision would provide the Department with needed 
flexibility by allowing up to $200 million of the funds 
appropriated in this act to be transferred between accounts. 
The Secretary of Defense will notify the Congress promptly 
after such transfers, and this transfer authority will be in 
addition to any other transfer authority provided the 

                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

                           General Provisions

    Sec. XXX. Funds appropriated in this title, or made 
available by the transfer of funds in or pursuant to this 
title, for intelligence activities are deemed to be 
specifically authorized by the Congress for purposes of section 
504 of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 414).
    This provision would provide that funds requested in this 
transmittal for the Department of Defense, or made available by 
the transfer of funds, for intelligence activities are deemed 
to be specifically authorized by the Congress for purposes of 
section 504 of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 


                  Emergency Preparedness and Response

                          DISASTER RELIEF FUND

    For an additional amount for necessary expenses under the 
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act 
(42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.), $4,500,000,000, to remain available 
until expended: Provided, That Congress designates this amount 
as an emergency requirement for this specific purpose. 
    This request would provide an additional $4.5 billion for 
the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency 
Management Agency for disaster relief for States, Puerto Rico 
and the Virgin Islands affected by Hurricanes Ivan and Jeanne 
as well as other ongoing and future disasters. The funding will 
support response and recovery efforts, including assistance to 
families and individuals, and other urgent requirements such as 
emergency protective measures and debris removal in the 
affected areas. Additionally, this funding will support the 
rebuilding of state and local public infrastructure. This 
request is in addition to the $2 billion requested on September 
14th, as well as the $2 billion enacted in P.L. 108-303.


                       United States Coast Guard

                           OPERATING EXPENSES

    For an additional amount for ``Operating Expenses,'' 
$18,000,000, to remain available until expended for emergency 
hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That Congress designates 
this amount as an emergency requirement for this specific 
    The Coast Guard will use these funds to rebuild and repair 
damaged facilities, replace lost or damaged aids to navigation, 
cover the cost of personnel evacuation in advance of the 
disasters, and pay for other emergency expenses associated with 
Hurricane Ivan in the southeastern United States. This request 
is in addition to the $8 million requested for the Coast Guard 
on September 14th.

                       DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR

                    United States Geological Survey


    For an additional amount for ``Surveys, Investigations, and 
Research,'' $1,000,000, to remain available until expended for 
emergency hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That Congress 
designates this amount as an emergency requirement for this 
specific purpose. 
    This request would provide additional funds to the United 
States Geological Survey (USGS) for facility and streamgage 
repair needs at USGS sites in the Southeast that were damaged 
by Hurricanes Ivan, Frances, Gaston, Charley, and Jeanne.

                       DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR

                       Fish and Wildlife Service

                          RESOURCE MANAGEMENT

    For an additional amount for ``Resource Management,'' 
$1,000,000, to remain available until expended for emergency 
hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That Congress designates 
this amount as an emergency requirement for this specific 
    This request would provide additional funds to the Fish and 
Wildlife Service for clean-up needs at the Choctaw, Mississippi 
Sandhill Crane and other national wildlife refuges that were 
damaged by Hurricanes Ivan and Jeanne.

                       DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR

                       Fish and Wildlife Service


    For an additional amount for ``Construction,'' $8,000,000, 
to remain available until expended for emergency hurricane-
related expenses: Provided, That Congress designates this 
amount as an emergency requirement for this specific purpose. 
    This request would provide additional funds to the Fish and 
Wildlife Service for clean-up and facility repair needs at the 
Bon Secour, Choctaw, Mississippi Sandhill Crane and other 
national wildlife refuges that were damaged by Hurricanes 
Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne. This request is in addition to the 
$13.9 million requested for this account on September 14th.

                       DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR

                         National Park Service


    For an additional amount for ``Construction and Major 
Maintenance,'' $35,000,000, to remain available until expended 
for emergency hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That 
Congress designates this amount as an emergency requirement for 
this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the National 
Park Service for clean-up and facility repair needs at national 
park units in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, 
Tennessee, South Carolina, and North Carolina that were damaged 
by Hurricane Ivan, including Gulf Islands National Seashore in 
Florida and the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. This 
request is in addition to the $7.4 million requested in this 
account on September 14th.

                         DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

                         Federal Prison System

                        BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES

    For an additional amount for ``Buildings and Facilities,'' 
$18,600,000, to remain available until expended for emergency 
hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That Congress designates 
this amount as an emergency requirement for this specific 
    This request would provide additional funds to the Bureau 
of Prisons for roof repair, buildings and perimeter fence 
repair and replacement, and clean up activities at numerous 
Federal prison facilities in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia that 
were directly impacted by Hurricane Ivan and related severe 

                         DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

                         Federal Prison System

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    For an additional amount for ``Salaries and Expenses,'' 
$5,500,000, to remain available until expended for emergency 
hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That Congress designates 
this amount as an emergency requirement for this specific 
    This request would provide additional funds to the Bureau 
of Prisons for roof repair, perimeter fence repair and 
replacement, clean up activities, detailing of medical staff 
and the transport and relocation of almost 5,000 Federal 
inmates from institutions impacted by Hurricane Ivan and 
related storms.


                    Federal Aviation Administration


    For an additional amount for ``Operations,'' $5,100,000, to 
remain available until expended for emergency hurricane-related 
expenses: Provided, That Congress designates this amount as an 
emergency requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funding for the 
Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) Operations account 
for emergency hurricane-related response activities. Multiple 
FAA facilities including control towers, buildings and flight 
service stations were damaged by the recent hurricanes and need 
to be repaired or replaced.


                     Federal Highway Administration

                          FEDERAL-AID HIGHWAYS

                        EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM

                          (HIGHWAY TRUST FUND)

    For an additional amount for the Emergency Relief Program 
for emergency expenses resulting from 2004 Hurricanes Charley, 
Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne, as authorized by title 23 U.S.C. 
125, $600,000,000, to be derived from the Highway Trust Fund 
(other than the Mass Transit Account): Provided, That 
notwithstanding 23 U.S.C. 125(d)(1), the Secretary of 
Transportation may obligate more than $100,000,000 for projects 
arising from Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne: 
Provided further, That any amounts in excess of those necessary 
for emergency expenses relating to the above hurricanes may be 
used for other projects authorized under 23 U.S.C. 125: 
Provided further, That amounts provided herein shall remain 
available until expended: Provided further, That the entire 
amount is designated by the Congress as an emergency 
requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide funds to the Federal Highway 
Administration's Emergency Relief Program for emergency repairs 
to eligible highways and roads affected by Hurricanes Charley, 
Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne.


                     Veterans Health Administration

                            MEDICAL SERVICES

    For an additional amount for ``Medical Services,'' 
$1,011,000, to remain available until September 30, 2005, for 
emergency hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That Congress 
designates this amount as an emergency requirement for this 
specific purpose.
    This request would provide an additional $1.0 million for 
the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for emergency 
hurricane-related expenses in areas including Pensacola, New 
Orleans, and Birmingham. Uses include, but are not limited to, 
reimbursing VA for equipment and purchasing of contract medical 
providers. This request is in addition to the $5.8 million 
requested for this account on September 14th.


                     Veterans Health Administration

                           MEDICAL FACILITIES

    For an additional amount for ``Medical Facilities,'' 
$2,996,000, to remain available until expended for emergency 
hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That Congress designates 
this amount as an emergency requirement for this specific 
    This request would provide an additional $2.9 million for 
the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for emergency 
hurricane-related expenses for VA facilities in areas including 
Pensacola, Miami, and Birmingham. Uses include, but are not 
limited to, repairing hospitals, outpatient clinics, and the 
surrounding land. This request is in addition to the $16.8 
million requested for this account on September 14th.


                     Veterans Health Administration

                         MEDICAL ADMINISTRATION

    For an additional amount for ``Medical Administration,'' 
$246,000, to remain available until September 30, 2005, for 
emergency hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That Congress 
designates this amount as an emergency requirement for this 
specific purpose.
    This request would provide an additional $246,000 for the 
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for emergency hurricane-
related expenses. Uses include, but are not limited to 
reimbursing VA for travel that VA employees undertook to 
Florida to assist in hurricane relief efforts and reimbursing 
VA for any assistance given to local communities for health 
care or shelter. This request is in addition to the $1.5 
million requested for this account on September 14th.


                      Departmental Administration

                       GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES

    For an additional amount for ``General Operating 
Expenses,'' $545,000, to remain available until September 30, 
2005, for emergency hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That 
Congress designates this amount as an emergency requirement for 
this specific purpose.
    This request would provide an additional $545,000 for the 
Department of Veterans Affairs for overtime and other 
associated costs to ensure timely adjudication of claims for 
veterans benefits following the disruption of services due to 
Hurricane Ivan.


                      Departmental Administration


    For an additional amount for ``National Cemetery 
Administration,'' $50,000, to remain available until September 
30, 2005, for hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That 
Congress designates this amount as an emergency requirement for 
this specific purpose.
    This request would provide an additional $50,000 for the 
Department of Veterans Affairs for personnel costs to clean up 
and repair national cemeteries damaged during Hurricane Ivan.


                      Departmental Administration

                      CONSTRUCTION, MINOR PROJECTS

    For an additional amount for ``Construction, Minor 
Projects,'' $150,000, to remain available until expended for 
emergency hurricane-related expenses: Provided, That Congress 
designates this amount as an emergency requirement for this 
specific purpose.
    This request would provide an additional $150,000 for the 
Department of Veterans Affairs to repair national cemeteries 
damaged during Hurricane Ivan. Uses include, but are not 
limited to, clearing road debris and repairing roadways.



    For an additional amount for ``Operation and Maintenance, 
General'' to dredge navigation channels and repair other Corps 
projects affected by hurricanes and other severe storms, 
$52,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That 
Congress designates this amount as an emergency requirement for 
this specific purpose. 
    This request would provide an additional $52 million to the 
Corps of Engineers. Hurricane Ivan caused severe shoaling in 
certain channels, making them unsafe or impassable for some 
commercial vessels and damaged flood control and other 
projects. These funds would be used to restore navigation locks 
and channels and other projects in southern and eastern States 
that the Corps is authorized to maintain. The Corps would use 
these funds to dredge channels back to their operating depths 
existing prior to Hurricane Ivan, and repair flood and other 
projects. This request is in addition to the $30 million 
requested in this account on September 14th.



    For an additional amount for ``Flood Control and Coastal 
Emergencies'' as authorized by section 5 of the Flood Control 
Act of August 16, 1941, as amended (33 U.S.C. 701n), for 
emergency hurricane-related expenses from coastal storm damages 
and flooding, $25,000,000, to remain available until expended: 
Provided, That Congress designates this amount as an emergency 
requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide $25 million for the Flood 
Control and Coastal Emergencies account of the Corps of 
Engineers. Hurricane Ivan caused damage to hurricane storm 
damage protection projects and to flood protection projects 
including beaches, levees, dams, channels and other features 
eligible for assistance under the Flood Control and Coastal 
Emergencies program. The requested funds would be used in 
southern and eastern States to finance the costs of Corps of 
Engineers emergency operations in response to natural 
disasters, and the costs of recovery activities such as repair 
and rehabilitation of eligible features damaged by Hurricane 
    The estimate for flood and storm response activities funded 
from this account is $5 million. The estimate for follow-on 
recovery activities, including repair and rehabilitation of 
eligible protective features, is $20 million. This request is 
in addition to the $88 million requested in this account on 
September 14th.



    For an additional amount for ``Flood Control, Mississippi 
River and Tributaries, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, 
Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee'' to cover the additional 
costs of dredging and mat laying operations on the main stem of 
the lower Mississippi River due to hurricanes and other severe 
storms, $4,000,000, to remain available until expended: 
Provided, That Congress designates this amount as an emergency 
requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide $4 million to the Corps of 
Engineers. Hurricane Ivan caused additional shoaling in certain 
places on the main stem of the lower Mississippi River, which 
added to the costs of maintaining the navigation channel. The 
storm also raised water levels for a prolonged period, which 
added to the costs of scheduled mat laying operations. Mats are 
concrete structures necessary to stabilize existing levees. The 
Corps would use these funds to dredge the channel back to the 
operating depths that existed immediately prior to Hurricane 
Ivan, and to cover the increased costs of mat laying 


                  Agency for International Development


    For an additional amount for ``International Disaster and 
Famine Assistance,'' $50,000,000, to remain available until 
expended for emergency hurricane-related expenses without 
regard to section 10 of Public Law 91-672 and section 15 of the 
State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956: Provided, That 
Congress designates this amount as an emergency requirement for 
this specific purpose.
    This request would provide $50 million in international 
disaster and famine assistance funds to mitigate the damage 
from Hurricane Ivan and Tropical Storm Jeanne in Grenada, 
Jamaica, Haiti, and other nations affected by recent 
hurricanes, including temporary provision of electricity, 
housing rehabilitation and reconstruction, agriculture sector 
reconstruction, water and sanitation systems reconstruction, 
and rehabilitation of roads, irrigation and rural 
infrastructure, schools and health facilities. All activities 
funded through this emergency request will be completed within 
one year of enactment of the funds.



    For an additional amount for ``Disaster Loans Program 
Account'' for emergency expenses resulting from natural or 
other disasters, to remain available until expended, 
$253,000,000 for the cost of direct loans; and $219,000,000 for 
administrative expenses to carry out the disaster loan program, 
which may be transferred to the appropriations for ``Salaries 
and expenses'': Provided, That Congress designates these 
amounts as an emergency requirement for this specific purpose.
    This request would provide additional funds to the Small 
Business Administration (SBA) to cover the large number of 
disaster loans expected to be made to individuals and 
businesses in the wake of Hurricanes Ivan and Jeanne. To ensure 
adequate response to victims of these hurricanes, the 
Administration is requesting $472 million in budget authority 
to cover loan subsidy ($253 million) and loan making ($219 
million) activities. This request would allow SBA to make an 
additional $2.2 billion in loans to aid in the recovery from 
natural disasters.
    This request is in addition to the $457 million ($248 
million for loan subsidies and $209 million for loan making 
activities) requested for the SBA on September 14th. Including 
already appropriated funds, the previous request would allow 
SBA to make up to $2.3 billions in loans.