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Nuclear Cleanup in Ohio

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1Fernald Environmental Management Project
Occupies 1,050 acres, near Cincinnati
Produced nuclear reactor fuel for nuclear weapons production from the 1950s to 1989
Formally shut down in 1991
2Mound Plant (Miamisburg EM Project)
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Occupies 306 acres in Miamisburg, 10 miles south-southwest of Dayton, OH
Initially the Dayton Project, the site was renamed Mound in 1947
Originally used to conduct nuclear materials research
Mission was expanded to include the development and manufacturing of weapons components
Other Sites
3 Luckey FUSRAP Site - 40 acre site where beryllium and uranium processing operations were conducted from 1949 to 1958
4 Painesville FUSRAP Site - 150 acre site that was used to store uranium-contaminated material for use in magnesium production
5 Battelle Columbus Laboratories (Columbus Environmental Management Project) - 1,106 acre site that conducted atomic energy research from 1943 to 1986.
6 Piqua Nuclear Power Facility - Located near Dayton, it operated as a nuclear reactor from 1963 to 1966
7 Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant - Located 70 miles south of Columbus, this site has produced enriched uranium for use in nuclear submarine reactors and commercial nuclear power plants since 1954
8 RMI Extrusion Plant (Ashtabula Environmental Management Project) - Located three miles northeast of Ashtabula, this site operated a uranium processing plant from 1962 to 1988

Public Participation and the FY 1999
EM Budget Development Process
The Office of Environmental Management currently is formulating its FY 1999 budget and encourages public comment. The public comment period is open through July 18, 1997.

The current outyear targets for EM are $5.5 billion for FY 1999 through FY 2002, plus specified additional amounts for privatization. The Office of Management and Budget will re-examine these targets for the program for FY 1999 and beyond based on EM’s analyses of the program at $5.5 and $6.0 billion planning levels. Additionally, the recent agreement between the President and the Congressional leadership to balance the Federal budget by 2002 will directly affect the level of the EM budget for FY 1999 through FY 2002. Future budgets for EM will be required to be consistent with this agreement.

EM is proposing a strategy to accelerate site cleanup and improve productivity, with a focus on completing work at as many sites as possible by 2006. Stated goals are selected summaries of the proposals for acceleration contained in the discussion drafts of the EM site plans accompanying the EM report, Accelerating Cleanup: Focus on 2006, which is available for public comment.

Environmental Management activities will be substantially complete in the state of Ohio by 2006. Facility closure activities, long-term surveillance and monitoring, and groundwater treatment operations will continue at some sites beyond 2006 in compliance with commitments to regulators and stakeholders.

Sites Managed by the Ohio Operation Office

  • Fernald: Cleanup of the Fernald site will be complete by 2005 under the $6.0 billion planning scenario. Five final Records of Decision have been approved. Cleanup involves construction and operation of the on-site disposal facility; decontamination and decommissioning of all facilities, soil excavation, and the transfer of wastes to the appropriate disposal facility. Fernald assumes that the remaining nuclear materials (uranium, enriched uranium, and depleted uranium) will be removed by FY 1999. Groundwater remediation is expected to be complete and the aquifer restored by 2005. Activities that will be performed after FY 2006 include closure of the on-site disposal facility, finalization and closure of waste management operations and facilities, and required groundwater monitoring. Cleanup of Fernald would be significantly delayed under the $5.5 billion planning scenario.
  • Mound Plant: Environmental restoration activities will be complete by 2005 under the $6.0 billion planning scenario. Site ownership will then be transferred to the Miamisburg Mound Community Improvement Corporation (MMCIC) for industrial and commercial use. Transuranic waste will be packaged and shipped to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. Prior to transfer, contaminated buildings will be decommissioned and made available for reuse, or demolished. Access restrictions will be applied to some areas of the Tritium facility to allow any remaining tritium to decay. Groundwater remediation will be complete by 2005 and groundwater monitoring will be required at five-year intervals. Several site buildings will be used by the Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) to support its mission after FY 2005. DOE/NE will assume responsibility for landlord and related remediation costs. Cleanup of the Mound site would be significantly delayed under the $5.5 billion planning scenario.
  • Battelle Columbus Laboratories: Decontamination and decommissioning activities at the West Jefferson and King Avenue sites (collectively referred to as the Columbus Environmental Management Project) will be complete by FY 2005 under the $6.0 billion planning scenario. Significant delays would be experienced under the $5.5 billion planning scenario. Upon completion, all buildings and grounds will have been returned to Battelle for reuse without radiological restrictions.
  • RMI Extrusion Plant Site (Ashtabula): EM cleanup efforts at RMI involve the decommissioning and/or demolition of the RMI Extrusion Plant, and remediation of affected surrounding land areas and groundwater. Decommissioning activities will be complete by FY 2005 under the $6.0 billion planning scenario. Significant delays would be experienced under the $5.5 billion planning scenario. Upon completion, the NRC license to possess radioactive materials maintained by the RMI Titanium Co. will be terminated and the site will be released for unrestricted use. Groundwater pump and treat operations will continue beyond 2006, consistent with RMI’s RCRA permit.
    Point of Contact: Mr. Ken Morgan (937) 865-3968

Sites Managed by the Oak Ridge Operations Office

  • Portsmouth: The Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant will continue to operate under the auspices of the U.S. Enrichment Corporation or its successor. All legacy waste will be shipped offsite for disposal by 2006, and assessments and agency-required remedial actions will be complete. Luckey FUSRAP Site: Cleanup of the Luckey FUSRAP site will be complete in FY 1999. Cleanup activities include excavation, consolidation, and capping of contaminated soil.
  • Painesville FUSRAP Site: Cleanup of the Painesville FUSRAP site will be complete in FY 1998. Cleanup activities include excavation of contaminated soil and shipment to an off-site disposal facility.
    Point Of Contact: Mr. Walter Perry (423) 574-3612

Accomplishment of EM goals depends on achievement of enhanced performance objectives, future funding levels, and Departmental programmatic decisions. EM is committed to full compliance with environmental and other legal requirements. The Department of Energy will request sufficient funds to comply with environmental requirements. EM also intends to meet its commitments to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board. EM could achieve compliance at the $6.0 billion planning scenario at all sites if enhanced performances are achieved, but schedule and funding modifications may be necessary at some sites. At the $5.5 billion planning level, achieving compliance would be more difficult at several sites even with enhanced performance, and many other high-priority activities would not be possible.


Last Updated 06/17/97 (mas)