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Ten Reasons to Become a Teacher

America's Children Are Counting On You

Mrs. Laura Bush visits with school childrenAs a former public school teacher and librarian, Mrs. Laura Bush knows firsthand the rewards that come from teaching.

"People all across our great nation express their desire to make a difference in America, to share their pride in our country's values, to shape the future of our children," Mrs. Bush says in her forward to the list.

"When they ask me what they can do to find personal and professional satisfaction, my advice is simple: become a teacher....The challenges of teaching are outnumbered only by the rewards that come from helping children realize their dreams."

Ten Reasons to Become a Teacher  1. To ignite the spark of curiousity in children  2. To practice three of life's most valuable virtues: kindness, patience and understanding  3. To experience the joy of seeing children learn to read, write and do arithmetic - and set them on a path to success in school and in life  4. To share your love of learning with young minds and help students discover their potential  5. To see the world through a child's eye while sharing your knowledge - and to learn something in return  6. To make the same kind of difference in a child's life as your favorite teacher made in yours  7. To help children understand the diversity of cultures and values that make our country strong and proud  8. To serve children, your community and your country  9. To turn your love of learning into a love of teaching  10. To share your passion.  If you like seeing a child's eye light up with understanding, you belong in the classroom

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