Peace Corps

Insights From the Field

Understanding Geography, Culture, and Service


Insights From the Field is designed to engage students in an inquiry about themselves and others as they focus on a culture other than their own. Learning activities and performance tasks are designed to help students:

  • Increase their understanding of other cultures.
  • Broaden their perspectives on the world.
  • Learn about geography.
  • Appreciate how they are connected with their world.
  • Become inspired to engage in service to others.

This publication is only available on the World Wise Schools website.

Unit One: Geography: It's More Than Just a Place

Unit Two: Culture: It's More Than Meets the Eye

The culture lessons in Insights From the Field have been revised and published as the booklet Building Bridges.

Unit Three: Service: You Can Make a Difference

Appendix A: "Understanding by Design" Framework

Click here (pdf–32 KB) for an explanation of the Understanding by Design curriculum framework functions.

Appendix B: Background on the Dominican Republic

Click here (pdf–173 KB) for extensive background information on the Dominican Republic.

Standards and Central Ideas

This publication is standards-based and organized around big ideas—concepts, principles, and enduring understandings that extend over several subject areas. For more information about the standards and central ideas behind Insights From the Field, click here. (pdf–56 KB)

Enduring understandings refer to important ideas or core processes that have lasting value beyond the classroom. To determine enduring understandings, teachers should ask what they want students to understand and be able to use in the future, after they have forgotten the details. For a list of suggested enduring understandings in Insights, click here. (pdf–28 KB)

Download Insights From the Field

The publication, Insights From the Field, is available for downloading. (pdf–1.2 MB)


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