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Data Related to Late Quaternary Surface Faulting on the Eastgate Fault, Churchill County, Nevada

By Anthony J. Crone,1 Jai-Bok Kyung,2 Michael N. Machette,1 David J. Lidke,1 Koji Okumura,3 and Shannon A. Mahan1

     1U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO 80225
     2Korea National University of Education, Chungbuk, South Korea
     3Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan

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In the past 130 years, 11 large (M>6.5) historical earthquakes in the Basin and Range province of the Intermountain West have produced documented surface ruptures, the majority of which have occurred in the north-south-trending Central Nevada seismic belt. Slip rates on individual normal-slip faults in the province are low compared to the rates on faults associated with plate boundaries, such as those in California. Nevertheless, these low-slip, normal faults can pose a significant seismic hazard, especially in urbanized areas such as the Wasatch Front in Utah, and the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in western Nevada and eastern California.

The purpose of this map and report is to provide a basic description of the Eastgate fault study and to release the field data that were collected during our study. Much of this detailed information is inappropriate for publication in professional journals, so we use this large-format map and report as a means to release these details to the scientific community. By design, this report contains minimal interpretation of the fault’s late Quaternary movement history; this history will be the subject of a future report in a scientific journal.

Version 1.1

Posted January 2006

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