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Open-File Report 2006—1298

Selected Well Data Used in Determining Ground-Water Availability in the North and South Carolina Atlantic Coastal Plain Aquifer Systems

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006—1298, 81 pages (Published 2006)

By Larry G. Harrelson and Jason M. Fine

Ground-Water Resources Program
Online only

This report is available online in pdf format (4 MB): USGS OFR 2006-1298.pdf


Cover of OFR 2006-1298.

The data presented in this report are for selected wells in North and South Carolina that are located in the Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system. The data represent a partial inventory of wells in the study area and are to be used to update a regional flow model for North and South Carolina. This inventory includes a total of 813 wells in North Carolina and 461 wells in South Carolina.

The well data include well-identification numbers, well locations by latitude and longitude, land-surface elevations, hole depths, well depths, open or screened interval(s), well diameters, depth to water, dates of water-level measurements, and aquifer assignment and transmissivity. Ground-water data presented in this report were obtained from field investigations and compiled from existing well records, both published and unpublished.




Purpose and Scope

Description of Study Area

Previous Investigations

Well Data

Well-Numbering System

Data Presentation and Storage

Hydrogeologic Units

Surficial Aquifer

Floridan Aquifer System

Tertiary Sand Aquifer

Yorktown Confining Unit

Yorktown Aquifer

Pungo River Confining Unit

Pungo River Aquifer

Castle Hayne Confining Unit

Castle Hayne Aquifer

Beaufort Confining Unit

Beaufort Aquifer

Peedee Confining Unit

Peedee Aquifer

Black Creek Confining Unit

Black Creek Aquifer

Middendorf Confining Unit

Middendorf Aquifer

Upper Cape Fear Confining Unit or Unnamed Confining Unit

Cape Fear Aquifer

Upper Cape Fear Aquifer

Lower Cape Fear Confining Unit

Lower Cape Fear Aquifer

Lower Cretaceous Confining Unit

Lower Cretaceous Aquifer




This report is available online in pdf format (9 MB): USGS OFR 2006-1298
To view the PDF document, you need the Adobe Acrobat® Reader installed on your computer. (A free copy of the Acrobat® Reader may be downloaded from Adobe Systems Incorporated.)

Suggested citation:

Harrelson, L.G., and Fine, J.M., 2006, Selected well data used in determining ground-water availability in the North and South Carolina Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer systems: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006–1298, 81 p., available online at

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